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Medical Marijuana

NM Proposing Changes in Medical Marijuana Program

Medical marijuana growers in New Mexico say proposed changes to the state's program, which include new fees imposed on producers, weren't adequately considered and would destroy small-scale licensed growers.

Medical Marijuana Bill Stalls in the Illinois House

The bill failed on a 53-59-1 vote (60 was needed for passage) -- the sponsor, state Rep. Lou Lang, D-Skokie, has put the bill on postponed consideration, which effectively pulled it back before the vote was official and allows him to try again later if he can come up with extra votes. The House will meet today for the last time this year, then for a few days in January before the new General Assembly is seated. If the bill doesn't pass by then, Lang would have to start from scratch.

Illinois Lawmakers Debate Medical Marijuana

Illinois lawmakers are back at work -- the veto session started and one of the biggest issues is coming up for vote. The "Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Bill" could legalize medical marijuana. Supporters of the bill only need 2 more votes to ensure it passes.
California's next attorney general? Let's hope so. (Wikimedia)
California's next attorney general? Let's hope so. (Wikimedia)

Kamala Harris Takes Late Lead in CA AG Race

The California medical marijuana community is starting to breathe a sigh of relief, as San Francisco DA Kamala Harris is taking the lead over LA DA Steve Cooley, a medical marijuana foe, in the late vote counting.

Rules May Bar Lawyers from Aiding in Setup of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Arizona

Patients, doctors and dispensaries seeking legal help navigating Arizona's new medical marijuana law could find themselves up the creek without a lawyer. The ethics counsel for the State Bar of Arizona said it is a violation of the rules laid out by the Arizona Supreme Court for attorneys to help clients break federal laws prohibiting selling or possessing marijuana.

Colorado Collects Millions in Marijuana Tax Revenue

Opponents of marijuana legalization are habitually dishonest and wrong about all sorts of things, but one of their most recklessly fraudulent claims is that legal marijuana won't generate significant tax revenue. This isn't even a matter of speculation. It's already happening.