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Medical Marijuana

Denver. As legal marijuana production hits a record, an initiative would increase taxes to help educate kids. (Creative Commons)
Denver. As legal marijuana production hits a record, an initiative would increase taxes to help educate kids. (Creative Commons)

Senators File Bill to Undo Supreme Court Decision on Crack Sentencing, CO Pot Tax Initiative, More... (10/4/21)

A bipartisan group of leading senators files a bill to ensure that low-level federal crack prisoners get the same shot at retroactive sentence reductions as other crack offenders, a Colorado initiative would increase pot taxes to fund educational programs for low-income kids, and more.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_275.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_275.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

Mississippians are still waiting on that legislative special session to get medical marijuana approved, Nebraska activists have begun signature gathering for a linked pair of medical marijuana initiatives, and more.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_274.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_274.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

Mississippi is moving toward a legislative special session to implement medical marijuana, Connecticut patients are now able to grow their own medicine, and more.