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Medical Marijuana

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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_89.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

A federal medical marijuana banking bill was introduced, an Oregon bill that would allow and regulate dispensaries heads to the governor's desk, Berkeley and Oakland fight the feds.

Obama's Drug Czar Blames YOU for Increased Teen Marijuana Use

[inline:marijuanamakesyougay-cropped.jpg align=right]Just when you thought the medical marijuana debate couldn’t get any uglier, the Drug Czar shows up at your doorstep demanding to know why you want to drug the children.

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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_88.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

At least the DEA didn't raid anybody this week, but some Michigan cops did. That and more in this week's update.
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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_87.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

It's been a good week for medical marijuana in state legislatures, with New Hampshire now poised to become the 19th medical marijuana state, and that's just for starters. Meanwhile, the war of attrition against California dispensaries continues.

Mayors Tell Feds to Butt Out on Marijuana Reforms

The US Conference of Mayors, representing the chief elected official in cities over 30,000, has come out strongly and unanimously to call for the feds to take a hands off approach to medical marijuana and marijuana legalization in the states.