Drug War Chronicle #1103 - July 14, 2020

Voters in a number of states will have the chance to weigh in on drug reform initiatives in November. (Creative Commons)
Drug Reform Initiatives Already on the November Ballot and Those That Could Still Make the Cut [FEATURE]
Drug decriminalization, marijuana legalization, medical marijuana, and psychedelic reform initiatives have all already qualified for the ballot this year, and more still may.
EVENT: No Time Like the Present: Drug Policy Reform is More Urgent Than Ever
Please join our online event at the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, Wednesday July 8th, noon-1:30pm ET.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
Hoo, boy! Highway patrolmen cooking up 'shrooms, district judges tipping off friends and messing up drug investigations, and more.
OR Drug Decrim Will Go to Voters, VA Marijuana Decrim Now in Effect, More... (7/1/20)
The Old Dominion decriminalizes pot possession, Oregon will vote on decriminalizing all drugs, drug overdoses are jumping during the pandemic, and more.

South Dakota's Badlands. Organized opposition to a marijuana legalization initiative has appeared. (Creative Commons)
Nashville to End Small-Time Pot Prosecutions, More Cops Charged in Wake of Fatal Houston Drug Raid, More... (7/2/20)
Drug reform initiative campaigns are handing in signatures as deadlines approach, Nashville's DA says no more petty pot prosecutions, Mexican gunmen kill 24 in a raid on a drug rehab center, and more.

Austin pot smokers no longer have to worry about going to jail or getting a ticket for a little weed. (Creative Commons)
Austin Police to End Minor MJ Busts, Southern CA DAs Let 100,000 MJ Convictions Be Cleared, More... (7/3/20)
The capital of Texas gives up on enforcing minor marijuana possession offenses, Virginia Democratic lawmakers are eyeing legalization next year, and more.
Arkansas Marijuana Legalization Initiative Won't Make Ballot, More Mexico Mayhem, More... (7/6/20)
Nevada's governor pushes for wholesale marijuana possession pardons, prohibition-related violence flares in Mexico, and more.

Decriminalize DC has handed in signatures for its natural psychedelic lowest priority initiative. (Creative Commons)
House Spending Bills Include MedMJ Protections, DC Psychedelic Initiative Hands in Signatures, More... (7/7/20)
Mexico once again looks set to move forward with medical marijuana, House funding bills include protections for medical marijuana -- but not recreational marijuana -- and more.
Democratic Platform to Call for Rescheduling and Decriminalizing Marijuana But Not Legalizing, Canada Police Chiefs Want Drug Decrim, More... (7/13/20)
Democratic task forces working on the party platform have settled on rescheduling and decriminalizing marijuana but not legalizing, the Justice Department rips a Massachusetts dope squad for its resort to excessive force, Canadian police chiefs call for drug decriminalization, and more.
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