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Marijuana: Arizona Supreme Court Rejects Religious Freedom Claim

It was strike two Monday for the Church of Cognizance and its argument that its members have a religious right to use marijuana. The Arizona Supreme Court rejected that claim from a church member. Last year, a federal court rejected a similar claim from church founders Dan and Mary Quaintance, who are currently in federal prison.

Law Enforcement: This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Man, the Chronicle takes a week off and look what happens: We've got more corrupt cops, sheriffs, ICE agents, and prison guards than you can shake a stick at. And a state prison mental health counselor, too.

New Book Offer: "Marijuana is Safer -- So Why Are We Driving People to Drink?"

To kick off our autumn fundraising drive, is pleased to offer the exciting new book, "Marijuana is Safer -- So Why Are We Driving People to Drink?," as our latest membership premium -- donate $36 or more and we'll send you a copy for free! Things are happening, and the importance of your support at this time could not be greater.

Prominent Drug Warrior Admits Anti-Drug Propaganda is Exaggerated

I don’t know what to make of this quote from NIDA Director Nora Volkow:

"One of the issues that's happened is that we've sent out all these messages; we've cried wolf too many times," Volkow said. "We don't need to exaggerate; the data speaks for itself. Armed with this knowledge, kids can make decisions." [San Diego Union-Tribune]

At first glance, it's nice that she at least admits that there's a lot of nonsense being passed around by anti-drug crusaders. It's not exactly news to anyone, but hearing this from Nora Volkow still surprised me. Anything resembling candor coming from a longtime prohibitionist like her is worthy of recognition.

Unfortunately, it's hard to take any of this seriously given Volkow's extensive track record of making crazy exaggerations. After the encounter I had with her, she really shouldn't be lecturing anyone about not crying wolf.

More likely, Volkow simply appreciates that being associated with crazy and excessive propaganda has done immeasurable harm to the credibility of the drug warrior elite and their prohibitionist agenda. If there's one lesson worth taking away from the drug war politics of the Bush era, it's that nobody wants to hear that crap anymore. Distancing herself from the excesses of her fallen peers is a smooth move for Volkow, but it won't work unless she actually stops trying to scare and manipulate everyone about the harms of drugs.

How Much More Proof Do You Need That Lying About Marijuana Doesn’t Work?

No matter how many lies they tell, no matter how many lives they rip apart, the brave soldiers in the war on drugs wake up everyday in a country where marijuana is part of a healthy lifestyle for millions of responsible adults:

In 2002, 94.9 million Americans admitted having used marijuana at some point in their lives. In 2008, that figure had grown to 102.4 million. In percentage terms, that’s an increase from 40.4 percent in 2002 to 40.6 percent in 2008 – unchanged, statistically speaking. [MPP]

For all the insulting, outlandish, and just plain stupid propaganda that the drug czar's office has been shoving down our throats, nothing has changed. Nothing, that is, except public support for legalization, which continues to climb.

The drug czar hasn't said a word about the latest data on drug use rates, and it's fitting that the smartest strategic move to come from that office in a long time was the decision to just keep their mouths shut for once.

Resignation of Mexico's Attorney General Won't Change Much

I have an invited comment online at JURIST, explaining why the resignation of Mexican Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora won't change much. (Hint: It's Prohibition.) JURIST, which is published at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, is "the world's only law school-based comprehensive legal news and research service," according to its FAQ. It's also free, archives included. I've already added it to my Google Reader.
In The Trenches

Job Opportunity: Director of Development, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Medford, MA

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) was founded seven years ago to provide a channel for current and former members of law enforcement who believe U.S. drug policies have failed. Prohibition has perpetuated the problems of violent crime, drug abuse, addiction, juvenile drug use, and the illegal drug trade. LEAP is building a broad public movement to bring about the legalization and regulation of all drugs and seeks an experienced Development Director. LEAP differs from and complements other organizations in the drug-reform movement in that we are better able to reach out to a large segment of the population who may see drug-policy reform as a front for politically active drug users. However inaccurate this perception, the credibility of our speakers serves as a jumping off point from which we are able to reach people who would be otherwise unwilling to listen. Modeled on Vietnam Veterans Against the War, LEAP has an unparalleled credibility when its current and former drug-warriors speak out about the horrors of the war on drugs. LEAP's message is well received by the public, demands the attention of the media and rings true with many other drug warriors who have grown skeptical of current U.S. drug policies. We see anyone interested in establishing a rational, ethical and effective drug policy as an ally on this issue. The positive public reaction to former drug warriors speaking out against the war confirms and strengthens this perspective. LEAP is seeking a Director of Development who will manage and grow all aspects of its philanthropic support and outreach, and guide the advancement team and the organization through its next stage of development. This includes annual appeals, individual giving, special events, corporate sponsorship, and foundation grants. The Director of Development will develop and execute a fundraising strategy to maximize the potential of current funding sources and uncover additional avenues of revenue. One key area of focus will be to build a major gifts program. Reporting to the Chief of Staff, s/he will also collaborate with the Executive Director, senior staff, and volunteers on donor cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship activity. Responsibilities include the planning, structuring, implementing and monitoring of an effective development program to increase the current and permanent assets of LEAP, to include semi-annual fund appeals and other appeals as needed; working with the Chief of Staff and Executive Director to position all development activities within LEAP's mission and Strategic Plan; developing new sources of funding, especially major donors, as well as secure multi-year funding sources to ensure LEAP's long-term sustainability; working to move existing donors to the next level of involvement; identifying and cultivating new major donor prospects including individuals, corporations, and foundations throughout the country and internationally, through phone calls, correspondence, and special events in order to strengthen and nurture LEAP's donor base; developing and writing proposals continually for submission to new corporate and foundation donors; providing stewardship to major gift donors; coordinating with the Program team the management of the database for internal tracking systems and for the development and maintenance of prospect records for mailings, solicitations, etc.; and providing regular reports and updates to the Chief of Staff and Executive Director as requested. This is a full-time position with a salary of $45,000 per year. Medford, MA is the preferred location, but exceptional applicants who desire to live/work elsewhere will be considered. The deadline to apply is October 31, 2009. Interested persons should send a letter of intent and resume to Kristin Daley, Program Manager, at [email protected]. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
In The Trenches

Marijuana Reform is Happening

You Can Make a Difference


Dear friends,

We're going into battle and we need your help. Congress has returned from August recess, and we're gearing up for our push to dismantle the war on drugs. That's why we need your help right now -- can you help us raise $12,000 to end the war on drugs?

Polls show that a substantial majority of Americans in almost every state want to stop arresting people for possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use. And a majority of voters in some states want to make marijuana legal like alcohol. Now is the time to increase pressure on elected officials.

Can you give  or more to help us stop the ill-conceived war on marijuana?

With your contribution, we can meet with dozens of members of Congress to build support for Representative Frank's bill to decriminalize marijuana. We can also build support for legislation in California to make marijuana legal like alcohol. And we can expand our media operations so we continue getting positive marijuana stories in the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and other influential outlets. 

 The American public is finally becoming aware of the futility of the war on drugs, and if we stand together we can bring it to an end.


Bill Piper
Director, Office of National Affairs
Drug Policy Alliance Network


In The Trenches

Press Release: Drug Survey Release Thurs. Raises Questions for New Drug Czar


Drug Survey Release Thursday Raises Questions For New Drug Czar
Reformers Wonder: Is Kerlikowske's Promise of Smarter, Science-Based Policies Real?

CONTACT: Bruce Mirken, MPP director of communications ............... 415-585-6404 or 202-215-4205

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This Thursday's scheduled release of the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health marks a critical test for new White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske, officials of the Marijuana Policy Project said today. The tone and priorities Kerlikowske stresses, they said, will offer important clues about whether the Obama administration will continue the failed marijuana policies of the past or make meaningful changes.

     "Gil Kerlikowske deserves credit for shifting the emphasis away from his predecessor's obsession with marijuana and toward true dangers like meth and prescription drug abuse, but that's small potatoes if he is afraid to tackle the reality of failed marijuana policies," said MPP director of government relations Aaron Houston.

     Houston noted that the previous drug czar,  John Walters, was notorious for cherry-picking statistics to create the illusion of success -- claiming progress, for example, even though last year's survey showed an increase in the overall number of illicit drug users and in illicit use of highly dangerous prescription drugs like OxyContin. He urged Kerlikowske to adopt a new policy of honesty.

     "Kerlikowske has said repeatedly, 'Legalization is not in my vocabulary,'" Houston said. "In that case, let's talk about regulation. Let's talk about how teen marijuana use is up since the early 1990s while teen cigarette smoking is way, way down -- because regulation of cigarettes gives society some control over the businesses that produce and market tobacco. We can control marijuana and take profits away from the murderous Mexican drug cartels, but first we'll need to acknowledge that what we've been doing hasn't worked and can't ever work."

     With more than 27,000 members and 100,000 e-mail subscribers nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. For more information, please visit


In The Trenches

Prison Tattoo Art Contest Winners


Hello everyone,

We have the winners for the 2009 Prison Tattoo Art Contest. Go to our web site and check them out.

We received so much astonishing art that it was difficult to choose the winners, but as usual, we have. We have also selected other artists to be displayed in "Prison Ink" the tabletop tattoo art book that will be released sometime in 2010. Watch our web site for changes and other announcements regarding "Prison Ink".

If you have not been notified regarding the contest you are not a winner. Winners have already been notified. Artists selected to be in the book will be receiving their notification within the next few weeks. Please do not contact us about your status we will send out all notifications by US mail. 

We would also like to apologize for our late beginning for the second short story contest. The delay is due to limited funds. We will be holding the contest real soon - our priority is paying the winners of the art contest. Thank you for you patience and understanding in this matter.

Remember our stories can change the world,


Theresa M. Huggins

CEO, Shot Caller Press, LLC

[email protected]
