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NJ patients share victory hug after medical marijuana bill passes, January 2010 (courtesy
NJ patients share victory hug after medical marijuana bill passes, January 2010 (courtesy

New Jersey Patients Fume Over Medical Marijuana Law Delays [FEATURE]

New Jersey's medical marijuana bill was signed into law in January, but maneuvering by the Republican governor is holding up implementation, and patients and advocates are growing frustrated.

Mexico Drug War Update

This year's death toll has surpassed 8,000, and a Ciudad Juarez newspaper asks the cartels to tell them what they can safely print.

This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
Michael Lapihuska (facing camera), with fellow activist from Alabamans for Compassionate Care
Michael Lapihuska (facing camera), with fellow activist from Alabamans for Compassionate Care

Alabama Patient Facing 10 Years for a Gram of Medical Marijuana [FEATURE]

Michael Lapihuska went back home to Alabama for a holiday visit in December. He's still there, caught in a nightmare because of his doctor-recommended medical marijuana. Heart of Dixie? More like Heart of Darkness.
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Boulder Extends Deadline for Medical Marijuana Businesses

The Boulder, Colorado city manager extended the deadline for existing medical marijuana businesses to apply for an operating license, citing massive confusion about the city's rules. If the deadline had not been extended, the majority of the city's dispensaries and growing operations would be operating illegally, though owners may not have known it.
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SWAT Raid Lawsuit Claims Rights Were Violated

A civil lawsuit filed yesterday against the city of Columbia and police officers claims a family’s constitutional rights were violated in a February SWAT raid at their home. The suit specifically cites violations of the Fourth Amendment, which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, and the 14th Amendment, a citizens’ rights measure ratified after the Civil War.
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Medical Marijuana Fees May Price Everyone Out (Opinion)

At some point next year, medical marijuana will finally be available to qualifying patients in the District. The problem? It might be too expensive for anyone to grow it or sell it, much less for anyone to actually afford to buy it.
Where did the cash go?
Where did the cash go?

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

More law enforcement pervs this week, as well as your run of the mill greedy narcs. But prison and jail guards must have been on good behavior.
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Threatened Mexican Journalist Granted US Asylum

A Mexican journalist threatened by drug gangs said he had been granted political asylum in the United States to escape the drug trafficking organizations' increasingly violent campaign to silence the media.
In The Trenches

Alcohol Industry Contributions Net Anti-Marijuana Spokesman on the Hill (Press Release)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 21, 2010

CONTACT: Mason Tvert, SAFER executive director, 720-255-4340

Alcohol Industry Contributions Net Anti-Marijuana Spokesman on the Hill

Congressman speaking out against marijuana and Obama's approach to it has received at least $20,000 from the beer and liquor industry this cycle

DENVER -- A national marijuana advocacy organization is calling on U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) to explain why he is speaking out against marijuana and accusing the current administration of encouraging its use when he is in fact receiving money from the alcohol industry, which produces, distributes and promotes a far more harmful substance.  Late last week, revelations that the alcohol industry is funding the campaign to defeat a marijuana legalization initiative in California resulted in a number of headlines nationwide and sparked outrage amongst supporters of marijuana policy reform.  See < for the whole story.

According to a blog post published this afternoon on The Hill's website:

"The administration is clearly sending the message that they don't think it's bad to use marijuana," Smith said on Fox News. "So they're encouraging the use of marijuana. And that simply is not a good thing to do."

See: for the whole story.

"Marijuana is becoming more acceptable and the alcohol industry is defending its turf," said Mason Tvert, executive director of Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER), a non-profit organization that highlights the relative safety of marijuana compared to alcohol.  "The booze industry and its good friends in Washington recognize that marijuana legalization is imminent and it is fighting to maintain alcohol's status as the only legal intoxicant.  This, despite the fact that it is far more harmful than marijuana to the user and society."

SAFER and marijuana reform supporters nationwide are now calling on the congressman to explain his opposition to marijuana in light of his acceptance of campaign contributions from the alcohol industry.  According to, his current campaign has received at least $20,000 from the beer, wine, and liquor industry, including a $10,000 donation from the National Beer Wholesalers Association, a $5,000 contribution from the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America, and $5,000 from Constellation Brands Premium Wine and Spirits Company.

"For Rep. Smith to accept money from the alcohol industry and then work to stifle that industry's competition is unethical and hypocritical," Tvert said.  "It's time he explained his reason for preferring adults use alcohol -- a substance whose use alone kills more than 30,000 Americans per year -- instead of marijuana, which has never resulted in a single death in history.

"Unlike marijuana, alcohol use contributes to domestic violence, sexual assaults, and other serious problems," Tvert said. "If Rep.

Smith is so concerned about public safety, why is he helping Big Alcohol drive Americans to drink?  He should be thrilled that more Americans are making the rational, safer choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol when they relax and recreate."

# # #

SAFER (Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation) is a national non-profit organization based in Denver and dedicated to educating the the public about the fact that marijuana is safer than alcohol for the user and society.  Its social welfare lobbying arm, the SAFER Voter Education Fund, advocates for laws and policies that reflect that fact and no longer steer people toward drinking and away from making the safer choice.  For more information visit

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Court Blames DEA Agent’s Road Rage in 2003 Beating

When Barron Bowling wouldn’t let a car pass him from the right seven years ago, it sparked road rage that left him beaten and lying on blistering pavement. Bowling’s attacker turned out to be federal Drug Enforcement Administration agent Timothy McCue, who was in an unmarked car with two colleagues.
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Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ban Fails

A proposed 45-day moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries in unincorporated Orange County failed by one vote today. The county ordinance, which would have immediately banned new dispensaries and existing dispensaries without the proper permits, needed to be approved by 4/5ths of the board of supervisors. Supervisors John Moorlach and Shawn Nelson voted against the emergency ordinance, arguing there wasn’t an emergency to warrant immediate adoption of the freeze on dispensaries.
In The Trenches

The Patients vs. The Powerful

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Dear friends:

It is crunch time in Arizona.

With just six weeks to go in the medical marijuana ballot initiative campaign, powerful people in the state have joined together to prevent patients from using and acquiring their medicine legally. The campaign is working hard to keep pace but we need your help.

As a supporter of marijuana policy reform, you know how hard it is to change marijuana laws. Amazingly, we are now on the cusp of making medical marijuana legal for the citizens of another state. We cannot fail.

Working with individuals like the notorious Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, a group called Keep AZ Drug Free is spreading misinformation throughout the state. And now they have received a contribution of $10,000 from the Arizona Cardinals professional football team. The Cardinals get sponsorship money from beer companies and are using it to prevent patients from using a far less harmful substance! Disgusting.

We cannot let hypocrites like this succeed. We must match them dollar for dollar. If you can help us raise $10,000 for the campaign, they will be able to put more volunteers to work distributing materials and holding signs. And they will be able to mount a more aggressive earned media campaign.

Please make a contribution or $5, $10 or more to the Arizona ballot initiative campaign today. And celebrate with us six weeks from today when we defeat the powerful and make marijuana legal for the patients.

Thanks in advance.


Kampia signature (e-mail sized)

Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.

Help us meet our mission

Raised in ’10:$2,521,885
Goal in ’10: $3,400,000

MPP will be able to tackle all of the projects in our 2010 strategic plan if you help us meet this challenge.

To contact MPP, please click here. Our mailing address is Marijuana Policy Project, 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20002. Any donations you make to MPP may be used for political purposes, such as supporting or opposing candidates for federal office.

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(click link above to view)

Family Sues in Missouri Dog-Shooting SWAT Raid

The Columbia, Missouri, family traumatized by a dog-shooting SWAT team on a pot raid made famous via a viral video on the Internet has filed a federal civil lawsuit against the city and the cops involved.
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Mexico Rejects Drug War Truce

Mexico's government has scoffed at the idea of a truce in the country's drug prohibition war after a newspaper which has seen two of its journalists shot dead pleaded with the drug trafficking organizations to name their terms.

Moms United to End the War on Drugs Campaign Rally

Moms are uniting and leading the charge to end drug prohibition, just as they did with alcohol prohibition in the 1930s.  It's time to end the pointless and punitive criminalization of people who use drugs and the needless deaths caused by the illegal drug trade.

Mothers, family members, healthcare professionals and individuals in recovery will gather to bring focus to our country’s failed drug policies and the havoc they have wreaked on our families.  Please join us.

For more information, contact [email protected]