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Drugs and Conservatives Should Go Together (Opinion)

Jeffrey A. Miron, a senior lecturer and director of undergraduate studies at Harvard University and a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, opines that drug legalization would not only promote specific policy objectives that are near and dear to conservative hearts, it is also consistent with core principles that conservatives endorse in other contexts.
Pres. Calderon, whose crackdown helped spark the multi-year wave of violence
Pres. Calderon, whose crackdown helped spark the multi-year wave of violence

Mexico Drug War Update

Two mayors were among the dead in Mexico's prohibition-related violence this past week. That makes five this year.
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Statewide Women's Day of Action/Rally & Book Delivery to OC Sheriff Sandra Hutchens

This action is part of a larger, national push (read below).  Please contact [email protected] for more information.

The Women's Marijuana Movement is coordinating a nationwide Day Of Action on Oct. 5th to increase support for Proposition 19 in California, during which women all over the country will hold press conferences and rallies to spread the message that WOMEN feel cannabis legalization will make their communities safer and a better place to live, and to educate the public about the not-well-known-enough fact that marijuana is far safer than alcohol.  We have a page up on our website promoting the event here:

In California, women will hold their events outside of or near the offices of members of law enforcement who have formally come out against Prop 19, and they will deliver copies of the book "Marijuana Is Safer" to the opponents themselves.  You can see the full list of opponents here:

On campuses nationwide, female students will hold events, and/or table, and distribute information about the relative safety of marijuana and talk about why they feel Prop 19 or something similar in their own state would make their communities and campuses a safer place.

And in states other than California, women will be holding press conferences, small rallies, and events to talk about how they support California's attempt to legalize and how something similar in their own state would greatly benefit them.

In all cases, we have prepared the targets for action (in California), materials for distribution, and statements to read to any media who report on the Day Of Action.  Minimally, all an organizer or attendee needs to do is invite other supportive women to join them for about an hour (tops) around noon on Oct. 5.  Women are welcome and encouraged to bring their children.

This Day Of Action is intended to generate broad media coverage that women support legalization, change the way people think about the misconceived harms of marijuana, and ultimately increase support among women for Prop 19.  Polling is showing that while men are supportive of Prop 19, women are split.  You can check out our last marijuana-related Day Of Action and tremendous press it generated here:

Please let me know as early as possible if you're interested in organizing or attending an event for this Day Of Action, or if you have any questions.  Additionally, we are open to any ideas you have that you'd like to incorporate into or use for this Day Of Action.

Thank you!
Eva Enns
WMM Coordinator
SAFER Outreach Director


This Week's Corrupt Cop Stories

A massively crooked sheriff, a massively enraged DEA agent, a couple of greedy cops, and a woman police officer married to the wrong guy all made the news this week.
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Marijuana to Be Legalized in Utah?

A California ballot measure to legalize marijuana is now ahead in the polls. This has one of Utah's most prominent and outspoken politicians saying, someday, the drug will even be legal here in Utah. "To put people behind bars for possessing or smoking pot is absolutely absurd. It would make more sense to put people behind bars for smoking cigarettes," said former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson.
In The Trenches

Share Heather's Story

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Dear friends:

As we mentioned last week, the campaign to make the medical use of marijuana legal in the state of Arizona is at a critical juncture. With just five weeks left, they are fighting powerful people in the state who want to keep punishing patients who use the medicine they need.

Last week, MPP members and email subscribers like you made it possible for us to provide the Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project with support for its operations. Now, we need you to dig deep to help us share a story that will make a victory in November a near certainty.

The campaign has produced this 30-second ad featuring Heather Torgerson, a woman whose life was saved when she turned to medical marijuana during agonizing chemotherapy treatments. As Heather says herself in the ad, without medical marijuana she would not be here today, she would be in a grave.

Donate Image 20100928

We want everyone in Arizona to hear Heather’s story. With your help, the campaign can put this ad on television when early voting starts next week.

Please make a contribution to the campaign to help put this ad on the air. Even a contribution of $5 or $10, if made by a significant portion of this list, could expose hundreds of thousands of people to Heather’s story.

If you can’t afford a contribution, please share Heather’s story in other ways – either by forwarding this email (or just the ad itself) to your friends and family in Arizona or by posting the ad on Facebook. You could even include a message in the Facebook post accompanying the video along the lines of, “If you want to help the medical marijuana campaign in Arizona air this ad, please make a contribution of $5 or more at

Thanks in advance for your support. We cannot win these ballot initiative campaigns without you.


[object Object]

Steve Fox
Director of Government Relations
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.

Donate Image AZ2

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Help us meet our mission

Raised in ’10:$2,516,708
Goal in ’10: $3,400,000

MPP will be able to tackle all of the projects in our 2010 strategic plan if you help us meet this challenge.


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Why So Many Mayors Are Now Targets in Mexican Drug Prohibition War

Raul Benitez, a security expert at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, says that the spate of recent deaths may be no coincidence: It comes as the federal government is increasing intelligence capabilities and taking a harder look at collusion between traffickers and local police and authorities, as it looks to centralize the police force. Therefore, many mayors who once may have turned a blind eye to trafficking exploits in their towns might now be refusing to cooperate. “If the mayor is an obstacle, that is when the problem starts,” says Mr. Benitez.
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Police Shoot Unarmed Pregnant Woman in Drug Raid

Yet another unarmed person shot in a drug raid, this one very, very pregnant. Reports say the injuries were not life-threatening. Let's hope they stay that way.
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2,772 People Could Be Eligible for 'Crack Tax' Refunds in TN

Tennesseans, in a slow trickle, have requested and gotten refunds from the state since the Tennessee Supreme Court struck down the so-called crack tax law in 2009. The state Department of Revenue has refunded $3.7 million to 161 people, but 2,772 people who paid the tax have not gotten any money back. "Most of them just don't know, and the state doesn't have any intention of letting them know, that they're eligible for a full refund," said Columbia attorney John Colley, who is leading a class-action lawsuit that would allow attorneys to identify and notify all people who paid the tax while it was still on the books.
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Fifth Mayor Killed in Six Weeks in Mexico’s Drug Prohibition War

A mayor who took the job when every other official in his town quit out of fear of drug traffickers was reported slain, the fifth Mexican mayor killed in six weeks. Authorities said Gustavo Sanchez, mayor of the town of Tancitaro in Michoacan state, had apparently been beaten to death with rocks.
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Medical Marijuana: An intimate Look Inside One Dispensary

One of the best kept secrets in New Mexico has to do with the medical marijuana program. Who are the growers and what do they have inside their facilities? See how one nonprofit group takes medical marijuana from a seedling and grows the medicine that many New Mexicans depend on.
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Mexican Drug War: Mayors Forced to Live in US

Mexican mayors have been forced to move to the US for safety in the face of threats from drug traffickers. Five mayors have been murdered in the past six weeks, with a total of 10 killed this year. About 15 mayors have been killed since President Felipe Calderon declared war on Mexico's drug traffickers shortly after taking office in December 2006.
In The Trenches

Drug Truth 09/26/10

Cultural Baggage * Century of Lies * 4:20 Drug War NEWS  *  Time 4 Hemp

Cultural Baggage for  09/26/10 29:00 Melissa Del Bosque writer for Texas Observer re "Postcards From a Cartel City" + Philippe Lucas re cannabis salve, oils and tinctures



Century of Lies for  09/26/10  29:00  Alice Huffman, Pres Calif NAACP re bigotry of the drug war + Tony Newman of Drug Policy Alliance re tsunami of drug war info



4:20 Drug War NEWS, 09/27 to 10/03/10  Link at on the right margin -

Sun - Howard Wooldridge riding horse Misty in California in support of legal weed garners mass TV coverage Sat - Tony Newman of Drug Policy Alliance re support of legal pot from NAACP and police unions Fri - Philippe Lucas from Victoria Canada provides recipe to produce cannabis salve and other non-psychoactive weed products Thu - Alice Huffman Pres of Calif NAACP re racial bigotry in the drug war Wed - MJ Borden "how many arrests for possession of weed?"

Tue - Tribute to Dr. Joel Hochman, Dir of National Foundation for Treatment of Pain, 1941-2010 Mon - Corrupt Cop Stories with Phil Smith of Stop the Drug War

Programs produced at Pacifica Radio Station KPFT in Houston, 90.1 FM.  You can Listen Live Online at

-  Cultural Baggage Sun, 7:30 PM ET, 6:30 PM CT, 5:30 PM MT, 4:30 PM PT

-  Century of Lies, SUN, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM MT & 5 PM PT

Who's Next?":  TBD

Hundreds of our programs are available online at, and now at James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University.

We have potcasts, searchability, CMS, XML, sorts by guest name and by organization. We provide the "unvarnished truth about the drug war" to scores of broadcast affiliates.  You can tune into both our 1/2 hour programs, live, at 6:30 central time on Pacifica's KPFT at  and call in your questions and concerns toll free at 1-877-9-420 420. 

The two, 29:00 shows appear along with the seven, daily, 3:00  "4:20 Drug War NEWS" reports each Monday morning at .  We currently have 91 affiliated, yet independent broadcast stations.  With a simple email request to [email protected] , your station can join the Drug Truth Network, free of charge.

Check out our latest videos via  Please become part of the solution, visit our website: for links to the best of reform.  "Prohibition is evil." - Reverend Dean Becker, DTN Producer, 713-462-7981,

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Attempts to Ban Fake Marijuana Are Further Proof of Prohibition's Failure (Opinion)

Mike Meno, director of communications at the Marijuana Policy Project, opines that K2 bans are misguided because they don't address the core issue: millions of Americans want to use marijuana, or something that will mimic its effects, and if they're afraid about illegal means of doing so, they will continue to seek out legal alternatives.
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