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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Liberal_Democrats_UK_Logo.png

    British Lib Dems to Call for Drug Decriminalization

    Britain's Liberal Democrats, junior partners in a governing coalition with the Conservatives, are set to call for drug decriminalization, a regulated marijuana market, and heroin maintenance.
  • Could this man be the Rosa Parks of the marijuana legalization movement? (Image: Dana Walker)
    Could this man be the Rosa Parks of the marijuana legalization movement? (Image: Dana Walker)

    WA Man Refuses Marijuana Fines, Chooses Jail

    Marijuana civil disobedience came to a Washington state courthouse last week. That's an idea that needs to spread!
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    This Week in History

    Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
  • All the drug busts in Mexico don't seem to make a difference. (image via Wikimedia)
    All the drug busts in Mexico don't seem to make a difference. (image via Wikimedia)

    Mexico Drug War Update

    You know things are messed up when the federal police are shooting at the head of the Ciudad Juarez police. Oh, and 216 more people were killed there in the drug wars last month.
  • If the legislature won't make medical marijuana happen, the voters might do it for them. (image via Wikimedia)
    If the legislature won't make medical marijuana happen, the voters might do it for them. (image via Wikimedia)

    Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative Filed

    Massachusetts activists have taken the first formal step toward putting a medical marijuana initiative before the voters next year.
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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    Cops cutting corners to make arrests, a cop caught providing protection for a load of cocaine, and a police force fired for its misbehavior make this week's rogues' gallery.
  • Synthetic cannabinoids like Spice will be banned in Kiwiland this week. (image via Wikimedia)
    Synthetic cannabinoids like Spice will be banned in Kiwiland this week. (image via Wikimedia)

    New Zealand to Ban Synthetic Marijuana This Week

    Stymied by drug laws that make the government actually prove something is harmful before banning it, New Zealand is instituting an emergency ban on synthetic cannabinoids while it figures out what to do.
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    Chicago to Stop Jailing Marijuana Users?

    The Cook County Board president wants police to quit wasting time jailing small-time marijuana offenders, and the police may just take a half-step in that direction.