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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

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    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_17.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    Busy, busy, busy, at every level from federal rescheduling through bills in the states to local decision-making. The medical marijuana world continues to be very active.
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    This Week in History

    Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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    heroin injection, using tourniquet (

    New Mexico Legislature to Study Supervised Injection Sites [FEATURE]

    The New Mexico legislature has commissioned a study of emerging and evidence-based harm reduction practices, including supervised injection sites. That could lead the way to a pilot program there. There is also agitation for SIJs in San Francisco and New York City.
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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    Two of our four bad apples this week come from the Big Apple, one for planting drugs and one for transporting them. Of the other two, one picked the wrong friends and the other picked the wrong wife.
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    Missouri, Tennessee Ponder Legislator Drug Tests

    Bills that would require state legislators to undergo drug tests have been filed in Missouri and Tennessee. They're an unsurprising extension of the drug testing mania that has gripped statehouses, but likely unconstitutional.
  • Ramarley Graham (image via
    Ramarley Graham (image via

    Bronx Narc Kills Unarmed Teen

    An NYPD narc shot and killed a teenager in his own home as he tried to flush a small amount of marijuana down a toilet. The local community was not happy.