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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • SWAT_team_2.jpg

    Chronicle AM -- February 18, 2014

    Marijuana legalization is unlikely to come to California this year, ditto for Missouri, ditto for medical marijuana in Iowa. Meanwhile, a SWAT reporting bill is moving in Utah, Singapore is censoring a pot reform web site, and more.
  • You don't even want to talk about synthetic stimulants now in South Australia. (
    You don't even want to talk about synthetic stimulants now in South Australia. (

    Chronicle AM -- February 17, 2014

    Olympic drug testers back off on marijuana, a surprise marijuana vote in New Mexico, a bad medical marijuana bill in Michigan, NYPD's most sued cops are all narcs, a new South Australian law criminalizes some speech about synthetic drugs, and more.
  • Uruguayan President Mujica has some advice for the US and Europe (
    Uruguayan President Mujica has some advice for the US and Europe (

    Chronicle AM -- February 14, 2014

    Marijuana legalization is dead in the Hawaii statehouse this year, but still kicking at the Oregon capitol, the annual Monitoring the Future survey is out, Uruguay's president chides the US and Europe on drug policy, and more.
  • Russell Brand helped push British petition over the top. (
    Russell Brand helped push British petition over the top. (

    Chronicle AM -- February 13, 2014

    A bill has been filed to stop forcing the drug czar to oppose marijuana legalization, CBD medical marijuana bills continue to get attention, and there are big doings south of the border, and more.
  • MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_118.jpg
    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_118.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    Lots of action at the state house on medical marijuana this week, plus Arizona eases up on the rules and the Michigan Supreme Court hands down a bellwether decision in favor of patients.
  • naloxonelawmaps2014.jpg

    Chronicle AM -- February 12, 2014

    Overdose prevention is big news today as the drug czar chimes in in favor, more than a dozen congressmen call on Obama to re- or de-schedule marijuana, the Italian Supreme Court undoes a bad drug law, and more.