Interest in medical marijuana is spreading in the South, New Hampshire inches toward dispensaries, and in California, one farmers' market gets shut down in LA even as one opens up north in grower country.
"N-Bomb," a synthetic psychedelic similar to LSD, is already illegal under federal law, but Massachusetts wants to ban it, too.
DC's voter registration mail-in deadline is one month from now. Funds are urgently needed this week -- for the DC Cannabis Campaign's registration drive to go full blast between now and then. Please help us legalize marijuana in Washington, DC, by making the most generous donation you can!
No decrim for Albuquerque, Washington's I-502 upheld, Florida medical marijuana initiative polls well, Virginia governor talks nice about medical marijuana, international libertarian student campaign against prohibition, and more.
Michael Botticelli has been nominated to be the new head of ONDCP, the drug czar's office. (
Santa Fe decriminalizes, no medical marijuana for Alzheimer's in New Mexico, NYC heroin deaths at 10-year high, new drug czar nominated, another drug war death, and more.
NIDA seeks a marijuana grower, South Dakota state fair medical marijuana protest planned, an LSD lifer seeks his freedom, Gambia to reduce marijuana penalties, and more. is a series of in-depth web sites presenting information and views from on current issues, several with relevance to drug policy. The Chronicle is currently running a series of info items from -- this one from -- and we encourage you to check it out.