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DC Legalization Campaign Needs Registration Drive $$$ NOW

Submitted by David Borden on

Dear friend,

The DC campaign to legalize marijuana in the District of Columbia needs donations this week, for a voter registration drive that needs to go full speed from now until the early October mail-in deadline. Please visit our web site at and make the most generous donation you can -- please put a note in the comment box saying that it is for the "DC Cannabis Campaign." We will donate 100% of it to the campaign.

(You can also make the donation straight to the campaign if you prefer -- and I hope you'll sign up for their email list. But donating to us for the campaign will help us meet our pledge of raising at least $5,000. If you donate straight to the campaign instead, I hope you'll also send us a note to let us know you did and how much.)

Initiative 71 will legalize possession and home growing of marijuana in DC. (It leaves regulated legalization of sales to the council because that can't be done through an initiative under DC law.) A victory will add to the momentum of battles now underway in Oregon and Alaska, and from legalized marijuana systems being implemented right now in Colorado and Washington. It will advance the credibility of the anti-prohibitionists who want to set our country free and make this a national issue that no one can ignore any longer.

TO DONATE: Visit our donation page to make a generous donation supporting the DC Cannabis Campaign. Please select the option to make a non-deductible donation supporting our lobbying work, and indicate in the notes field that it is for the DC campaign, Initiative 71. If you can afford it, please return to the donation page to make a second gift (tax-deductible or non-deductible) supporting our ongoing work that makes this outreach possible, or indicate in the notes field how much of your gift is meant for the campaign vs. our organization.

IF YOU LIVE HERE YOU CAN VOLUNTEER TOO: If you live in the DC-area, please contact and become part of the campaign's volunteer force. Please include "DCMJ volunteer" in the subject line. Campaign organizers will be in touch soon thereafter.

This is an exciting time. We're not a voice in the wilderness anymore. Unprecedented gains are within our reach — even in the nation's capital.

Will you join us?


David Borden, Executive Director
Washington, DC


Brian Kelly (not verified)

In the prohibitionist's world, anybody who consumes the slightest amount of marijuana responsibly in the privacy of their own homes are "stoners" and "dopers" that need to be incarcerated in order to to protect society.
In their world, any marijuana use equates to marijuana abuse, and it is their God given duty to worry about "saving us all" from the "evils" of marijuana use.
Who are they to tell us we can't choose marijuana, the safer choice instead of alcohol for relaxation, after a long, hard day, in the privacy of our own homes?
People who use marijuana are smart, honest, hard working, educated, and successful people too, who "follow the law" also.(except for their marijuana consumption under it's current prohibition of course) .
Not the stereotypical live at home losers prohibitionists make us out to be. We are doctors, lawyers, professors, movie stars, and politicians too.
Several Presidents of The United States themselves, along with Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, and Carl Sagan have all confessed to their marijuana use. As have a long and extensive list of successful people throughout history at one point or other in their lives.
Although, that doesn't mean a damned thing to people who will make comments like "dopers" and "stoners" about anybody who uses the slightest amount of Marijuana although it is way safer than alcohol.
To these people any use equals abuse, and that is really ignorant and full of hypocrisy. While our society promotes, glorifies, and advertises alcohol consumption like it's an All American pastime.
There is nothing worse about relaxing with a little marijuana after a long, hard day, than having a drink or two of alcohol.
So come off those high horses of yours. Who are you to dictate to the rest of society that we can't enjoy Marijuana, the safer choice over alcohol, in the privacy of our own homes?
We've worked real hard our whole lives to provide for our loved ones. We don't appreciate prohibitionists trying to impose their will and morals upon us all.
Has a marijuana user ever tried to force you to use it? Probably not. So nobody has the right to force us not to either.
Don't try to impose your morality and "clean living" upon all of us with Draconian Marijuana Laws, and we won't think you're such prohibitionist hypocrites.
Legalize Nationwide! Support Each and Every Marijuana Legalization Initiative!
Wed, 09/03/2014 - 3:14pm Permalink

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