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Drug War Chronicle #836 - May 29, 2014

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

There's More to Colorado Than Marijuana [FEATURE]

While the nation and the world focus on Colorado's legalization of marijuana, serious work on drug and sentencing reform and harm reduction has also been getting done there. Let's take a look.
It's sunrise for hemp in the Bluegrass State. (
It's sunrise for hemp in the Bluegrass State. (

DEA Backs Down; Kentucky Will Get Its Hemp Seeds

Kentucky will be growing research hemp crops this year after the DEA backed down from its refusal to issue a permit for imported hemp seed. A lawsuit and a visit from the Senate Minority leader might have had something to do with it.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_133.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_133.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

We could see a congressional vote on barring the feds from interfering in medical marijuana states this week, California stays contentious, the New York Assembly passes a medical marijuana bill (again), and more.
Bermuda-grown cannabis indica await patients there. (Alan Gordon)
Bermuda-grown cannabis indica await patients there. (Alan Gordon)

Chronicle AM -- May 22, 2014

A new poll suggests Vermont is ready to legalize it, and so is the mayor of Rome, a San Francisco crack pipe exchange is set to expand, a West Virginia county's latest grand jury indictments shine a light on drug war in the Appalachians, Bermuda marijuana growers want an emergency exemption for medical marijuana, and more. Let's get to it.
new approach oregon_1.png
new approach oregon_1.png

Chronicle AM -- May 23, 2014

There's a slim majority for marijuana legalization in New York, an Oregon legalization initiative gets another big-bucks boost, New Mexico patients fight back against proposed new rules, actor Don Johnson speaks out on drug policy, a global campaign for medical marijuana as a human right is underway, and more.
Will another $100 million stop heroin in New YorK? (
Will another $100 million stop heroin in New YorK? (

Chronicle AM -- May 27, 2014

Chuck Schumer wants $100 million to fight heroin in New York, a congressional vote to stop the DEA from attacking medical marijuana in states where it is legal is coming soon, the New York Assembly is voting today on a medical marijuana bill, an Oklahoma prescription drug bill dies, and more.
Nevada regulatee.png
Nevada regulatee.png

Chronicle AM -- May 28, 2014

Look out 2016, here comes Nevada! Also, a US congressman rips into NYPD over marijuana arrests, a New York medical marijuana bill passes the Assembly, Dallas pays out big time for police misbehavior, former DEA head Asa Hutchinson wants more drug war for Arkansas, and more.