A Hallandale, Florida, man has died less than two weeks after being shot during a SWAT team drug raid at his home. Howard Bowe, 34, becomes the 17th person to die in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.

"It appears the officers from the SWAT team felt threatened," Maj. Thomas Honan, a spokesman for the agency, said on the day of the shooting. He said the elderly dog broke free from its chain and charged the officers.
Bowe's friends and family members want to know what really happened.
"Everyone's still in shock," said Mike Ashley, a friend of Bowe's since school days. "I feel like there's a lot of unanswered questions."
Bowe's sister Corneece, who lives in the other half of the duplex told the Sun-Sentinel earlier that her brother had a car wash business and lawn mowing service and had never been violent. She had been awakened the morning of the raid by the sound of police gunfire, she said.
"They came in the back door," Corneesa Bowe said. "Why shoot an unarmed person?"
Neighbor Fred Webb told the newspaper Bowe was "an honest man who worked every day" at his business, a mobile car wash. A trailer for the car wash was parked next to the duplex. "I can't understand it," Webb said. "I hope he's all right."
Police have not said whether they recovered any drugs or weapons.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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Call me a skeptic but I would think in the case of a death by gun that any such evidence wouldn't be kept secret.Maybe the dog ate the drugs and they're doing an autopsy?
Why is a SWAT team being used
Why is a SWAT team being used for a 'suspected' drug dealer? There will be no one's version of the story told except for the police's now. He was probably threatening to sue them for breaking into his house in the middle of the night armed with military grade weapons, so they felt threatened and shot the unarmed man despite their overwhelming numbers and protective gear.
For a pit bull, 13 years old isn't elderly, it's ancient! Cops in armor afraid of an old dog, what a bunch of cowards. Old dogs and unarmed men, that's what SWAT teams are for.
For a pit bull, 13 years old isn't elderly, it's ancient! Cops in armor afraid of an old dog, what a bunch of cowards. Old dogs and unarmed men, that's what SWAT teams are for.
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