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Drug War Chronicle #825 - March 13, 2014

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director
Michelle Alexander (
Michelle Alexander (

"The New Jim Crow" Author Michelle Alexander Talks Race and Drug War [FEATURE]

On Thursday, Michelle Alexander, author of the best-selling and galvanizing "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" sat down with poet/activist Asha Bandele of the Drug Policy Alliance to discuss the book's impact and where we go from here. It's a discussion worth reading.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_122.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_122.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

Marijuana and epilepsy are in the news, Sanjay Gupta strikes again, and state houses across the country are grappling with medical marijuana and CBD bills.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

More prison guards gone bad, another Philadelphia cop gets in trouble, a Kentucky narc has problems, and a DC-area cop gets her hand slapped.
Canadian Justice Minister Peter Mackay hints that something much like marijuana decriminalization is coming. (
Canadian Justice Minister Peter Mackay hints that something much like marijuana decriminalization is coming. (

Chronicle AM -- March 6, 2014

Oregon's medical marijuana dispensary regulation bill has gone back to the Senate with compromise language allowing only temporary local bans, a GOP US Senate candidate there says legalize it, Chuck Schumer fights heroin, Canada's Tories look to be going soft on pot law enforcement, and more.
Yours truly with Peruvian coca farmer. The government wants to eradicate his crop. (Phil Smith/
Yours truly with Peruvian coca farmer. The government wants to eradicate his crop. (Phil Smith/

Chronicle AM -- March 7, 2014

Oregon's medical marijuana dispensary regulation bill has passed the legislature with only temporary local bans allowed, more CBD medical marijuana bills are moving, an Indiana hemp bill has passed the legislature, and more.
Caribbean leaders are discussing ganja this week. (
Caribbean leaders are discussing ganja this week. (

Chronicle AM -- March 10, 2014

California's Democrats endorse marijuana legalization, Caricom gets ready to talk marijuana, Attorney General Holder calls for expanded access to naloxone to prevent overdose deaths, legislatures in the Pacific Northwest make moves on medical marijuana, and more.
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta "doubles down" on his support for medical marijuana. (via Share Bear on Wikimedia)
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta "doubles down" on his support for medical marijuana. (via Share Bear on Wikimedia)

Chronicle AM -- March 11, 2014

The District of Columbia could legalize marijuana at the ballot box this year, Dr. Sanjay Gupta doubles down on his support for medical marijuana with a new CNN special tonight, the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs meeting this week in Vienna is attracting a lot of attention, and more.
Responding to new synthetic drugs by banning them is still a favored response in state legislatures. (
Responding to new synthetic drugs by banning them is still a favored response in state legislatures. (

Chronicle AM -- March 12, 2014

Medical marijuana is keeping state legislators busy, Maine's governor has a 20th Century approach to drug problems, New Mexico's governor cuts funds to a diversion program, Indonesia shifts its stance on drug users, and more.