A drug suspect was killed and four SWAT officers were wounded Wednesday night when police in Indianapolis raided a Near Eastside home on a drug warrant. Andrew Sizemore, 27, becomes the 10th person to die in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.

None of the injured officers were seriously wounded, and three had been released from the hospital by early Thursday.
Police said they seized heroin, 13 guns, and $120,000 in cash inside the house. Five people inside the house were arrested. Three were arrested for "visiting a common nuisance," while one was arrested on drug dealing charges and another was detained with no charges specified. Police also confiscated four vehicles.
The house was protected by surveillance cameras, which could have alerted occupants to the raiders' presence.
"That put our officers at a disadvantage, but they overcame it," said Indianapolis Public Safety Director Troy Riggs said, adding that the shootout could be a harbinger of things to come as police go after criminals. "None of us want these things to happen," Riggs said, "but at the end of the day with the the aggressiveness with which your police department is going after those who are committing criminal acts, this is always a possibility."
In a follow-up story, The Star reported that as word of Sizemore's death spread Thursday, friends and family members created a small shrine in his honor, leaving stuffed animals, flowers, a can of energy drink, a snack cake, and a candle. One sign on the shrine said: "RIP, Drew. We Love and Miss You." Another read: "There was no reason for him to die."
Sizemore had no criminal record except for an arrest for trespassing when he was 19.
The Star also reported that some neighborhood residents "were leery to comment" and "some were even hostile to reporters seeking information about the neighborhood and the people who lived in the house."
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Drug Prohibition
Guns and violence . Drug prohibition at its finest .
The violence surrounding any
The violence surrounding any drug market is done by two distinct groups,,the providers and the preventers,,they actually commit very litlle violence on each other,,for the most part the providers fight each other for turf and the preventers kill users with an occasional "accidental" brush between the two groups,,,the vast majority of less than an ounce of drugs found no-knock raids statistically prove that the police terrorist squads do far more damage to non-violent users than drug dealers.
Drug Raids
Why isn"t more of these smart assed drug cops gunned down? They don"t seem to get it. Play nice! Knock. Ask. Be an aggressive SOB. Hopefully you will be shot!
Dirty scumbag heroin dealers
Dirty scumbag heroin dealers (or dealers in any other truly harmful drug), they don't care how many die from what they deal or the lives ruined by it, they just want their fat stack of cash and fuck anyone who get in the way, they say kill them if you have to, that includes you too you cop haters, they don't care if you hate cops you'll die too if you get in the way of them making their hoards of money. They are greed driven destroyers not noble members of the legalization cause. If they commit suicided by cop when they open fire on them then no great loss, good riddance.
In reply to Dirty scumbag heroin dealers by Anonymous 2 (not verified)
drug wars
Yes indeed. Good riddance to the millions slaughtered, orphaned, and dispossessed within and without our borders in the drug war, a logical consequence of American drug-prohibition policies. Prohibitionists, all of us know that something similar happened when alcohol was prohibited: consumption is not reduced, and corruption and violence increase exponentially. Alcohol prohibition was repealed, but we'll not repeat the same mistake again! Not long ago, drugs were legal in the US, and its consequences were not nearly as destructive as prohibition has proved to be...so keep it up fellas! No matter that the trade and consumption of drugs is a consensual activity practiced throughout human history. No matter that the drug war has destroyed more lives than all the drugs invented by God and Man. SWAT raids, militarized police, federally instituted property forfeiture, mass graves in Mexico..it's the American way!!! as is our world-record-shattering incarceration rate. A majority of the prisoners are non-violent drug offenders, but, good riddance!!! They are merely collateral damage in war. And Americans need war, love war; it upholds our power structure...
Land of the free and home of the incarcerated--home sweet home...
In reply to Dirty scumbag heroin dealers by Anonymous 2 (not verified)
American Drug Wars
Yes indeed. Good riddance to the millions slaughtered, orphaned, and dispossessed within and without our borders in the drug war, a logical consequence of American drug-prohibition policies. Prohibitionists, all of us know that something similar happened when alcohol was prohibited: consumption is not reduced, and corruption and violence increase exponentially. Alcohol prohibition was repealed, but we'll not repeat that mistake again! Not long ago, drugs were legal in the US, and its consequences were not nearly as destructive as prohibition has proved to be...so keep it up fellas! No matter that the trade and consumption of drugs is a consensual activity practiced throughout human history. No matter that the drug war has destroyed more lives than all the drugs invented by God and Man. SWAT raids, militarized police, federally instituted property forfeiture, mass graves in Mexico..it's the American way!!! as is our world-record-shattering incarceration rate. A majority of the prisoners are non-violent drug offenders, but, good riddance!!! They are merely collateral damage in war. And Americans need war, love war; it upholds our power structure...
Land of the free and home of the incarcerated--home sweet home...
Suspect Killed, Four SWAT Officers Wounded in Drug Raid
He was not wrong to defend himself and his way of life. He died fighting for his freedom. So many people hate him even in death. Mr anonymous, please reconsider. From what I've learned recently people don't die from heroin, though some get addicted. they die from impure product because it isn't regulated. Overdoses happen because addicts don't know what they have. We don't know that this man laced his product with poison. We don't know that he allowed minors to consume his product. If he did do those things then that is a terrible crime. But people function successfully if they manage their intake. Otherwise, It the prohibition of the drug that causes so much pain and suffering. If you have a rebuttal please explain how I am wrong with scientific facts. I'd like to keep an open mind. Will you please do some research, then tell us facts that support your opinion or if you've learned otherwise. I wouldn't ask you to approve that way of life, just their right to choose it without being persecuted. Thank you.
Divided We Fall
He Died Fighting For His Freedom, Life , and Liberty. Please Mr. Anonymous, reconsider. Will you please explain your obviously heart felt opinion with scientific fact. I have been informed that we have all been grossly misinformed about the drug war. We have all been raised to hate drug users so much that we completely strip them of all humanity. We completely strip them of , ALL of their Money, Property, Cars, Family, and Jobs. Then we condemn them to live in ghettos and homelessness after stealing every means they have of making a living.And that's just from one single arrest The really unlucky ones go to jail or prison. A body is better off dead than prison. We believe they cause death and hopelessness. Science seems to be pointing to the conclusion that it's actually the lack of regulation that kills, not the heroine. It's our reaction to drug use that causes crime. Not drug use. Please research and explain if I am wrong. I will listen. I don't ask you to approve their life style, just their right to choose it.
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