A Drug Arrest Every 19 Seconds, Says Latest US Data [FEATURE]
The FBI's annual Uniform Crime Report finds that drug arrests are stabilizing, but at near record levels. More than 1.6 million people got busted for drugs last year, more than half of them for pot.
British Lib Dems Call for Sweeping Drug Reforms [FEATURE]
Britain's Liberal Democrats, junior partners in a coalition government with the Tories, have passed a resolution calling for decriminalization of drug possession, regulated marijuana sales, and more.
Do You Read Drug War Chronicle?
Do you read Drug War Chronicle? If so, we need your feedback to evaluate our work and make the case for Drug War Chronicle to funders. We need donations too.
ACLU Blocks Missouri College Drug Testing
A Missouri technical college's plan to force students to take suspicionless drug tests is on hold after the ACLU of Eastern Missouri filed suit and won a temporary restraining order.
SC Gov. Haley Recants on Unemployed Drug Use
Caught in a glaring lie about drug use among South Carolina job seekers, Gov. Nikki Haley is forced to concede she was full of it.
WA State Dems Endorse Marijuana Legalization
Washington's I-502 legalization initiative has picked up the support of the state's Democratic Party.
WA State Voters Split on Marijuana Legalization
Recent Washington state marijuana legalization polls have produced varying results. What does that mean for I-502?
Massachusetts Marks 1,000th Narcan Overdose Reversal
Massachusetts has reversed a thousand drug overdoses since it began its Narcan pilot program in 2007.
Mexico Drug War Update
More cartel drug busts, more dead bodies, no apparent impact on the flow of drugs north and cash south.

The Las Vegas Metro Police K-9 unit is part of the state and federal Interdiction Team (Image: LVMPD)
Two More Drug War Deaths
Two more drug war deaths this week, and these ones were bizarre.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
An Oklahoma police chief gets caught with meth and weed, a New Mexico cop goes to prison for blowing up an FBI investigation, and a Colorado deputy is being looked at for some missing evidence money.
This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
Job Opportunity: Executive Director, Colorado Alliance for Marijuana Reform
The Colorado Alliance for Marijuana Reform has an immediate opening for an Executive Director in its Denver office. This is a new position, designed to take advantage of current opportunities to promote marijuana policy reform in Colorado via ballot measures, legislative advocacy, and public education.
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