Florida state workers, be prepared to submit one of these if Gov. Scott has his way. (Image via Wikimedia.org)
ACLU Sues Florida Governor on State Employee Drug Tests [FEATURE]
Florida's Republican Gov. Rick Scott thinks he can make state employees pee in a cup for him with the stroke of a pen. The ACLU of Florida disagrees and is suing him in federal court.
Chronicle Book Review: The Power of the Poppy
"The Power of the Poppy: Harnessing Nature's Most Dangerous Plant Ally" is reviewed and found most interesting.
Rising to the Challenge -- Seizing the Opportunity
Legalization is an important battle to fight for the country, but victory is not a foregone conclusion. Which way things go depends on the actions that YOU take at this point in time -- the future depends on you.
A Million Medical Marijuana Patients in California?
California NORML's Dale Gieringer crunches the numbers and finds a whole lot of medical marijuana patients in the Golden State.

Gov. Rick Scott (R) scores political points on the backs of the poor. (Image courtesy state of Florida)
Florida Welfare Drug Testing Bill Signed Into Law
Under a Florida law signed by Gov. Rick Scott Tuesday, welfare recipients must undergo drug tests. It looks like the ACLU will challenge it in court.

The CHA wants you to pass a drug test if you live in the Kenmore or any other CHA properties. (Image courtesy CHA)
Chicago Housing Authority Wants to Drug Test Residents
Drug testing mania has arrived at the Chicago Housing Authority, which is now proposing to require drug tests of all adult residents, with evictions if they fail.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
More narcs get rowdy at a narc convention and a pair of cops who couldn't keep their paws off the pills.
Mexico Drug War Update
No end in sight for the prohibition-related violence plaguing Mexico. The hit men just keep on coming.
No Drugs in Home of Ex-Marine Killed By SWAT Team
Police found no drugs in the home of a veteran they shot and killed in a May 5 drug raid in Tucson.
Iran to Hang 300 for Drug Trafficking
Iran has already executed more than 125 people for drug trafficking so far this year, and more than 300 await the hangman. It claims that's the only way to stop the flow of drugs destined for Europe.

An Amsterdam cannabis coffee shop. If you want to check it out yourself, you better hurry. (Image via Wikimedia.org)
Dutch to Ban Foreigners from Cannabis Cafes
If you want to experience the cannabis coffee shops of Amsterdam, book your ticket now. Next year will be too late, as Holland gives the finger to pot-loving visitors.
This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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