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Drug War Chronicle #583 - May 1, 2009

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

Editorial: What's With All the Good News Lately?

Many drug policy reformers saw 1996 and the passage of two favorable state ballot initiatives as the "end of the beginning" for our cause. Does the increasing amount of good news in 2009 mean that this is the "beginning of the end"?

Appeal: It's Time to STOP Wasting Time, Money & Lives

With an economic crisis requiring sensible budget cuts, a Constitution-friendly administration and more people joining the drug policy reform movement than ever before, has a unique opportunity to make our case.

Medical Marijuana: Rhode Island Dispensary Bill Passes Senate

A bill that would establish "compassion centers" for medical marijuana patients has passed the Rhode Island Senate -- again. Gov. Donald Carcieri vetoed a similar bill last year; it's unclear what he will do if the bill passes the House this year.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"In Case You Haven't Heard Enough Cops Talk About Legalizing Drugs This Year...," "Obama Goes to War Against Afghan Opium," "Seriously, Don't Try to Eat Your Marijuana if You're Pulled Over," "Mexican Senate Votes to Decriminalize Drug Possession," "Obama Supports Ending the Cocaine Sentencing Disparity," "Rhode Island Senate Votes to Create Medical Marijuana Dispensaries," "New Hampshire Senate Votes to Legalize Medical Marijuana," "Minnesota Senate Votes to Legalize Medical Marijuana," "Rep. Engel Introduces Bill to Create Independent Drug Policy Commission," "The Federal Government Grows Some of the Worst Marijuana in America," "Even Cowboys Want to Legalize Drugs," "Jim Webb Says Marijuana Legalization is 'On the Table'."