"The Continuing Detention of Senator Leila de Lima," side event at UN Human Rights Council, Geneva and Online
Our first side event at the Human Rights Council in Geneva took place in early October, and featured supporters of the long-imprisoners Philippine Senator.

Measure 110 is bringing addiction recovery services not just to Portland, but to places like this, too. (Pixabay)
The Public Stands Behind Oregon's Drug Decrim and Addiction Funding Law [FEATURE]
Two years on, Oregon's pioneering drug decriminalization is seeing arrests plummet and addiction services dollars explode. And he public likes it so far.

paired small scale cannabis and commercial vegetable farm, Humboldt County, CA (https://calag.ucanr.edu)
A Federal Bill to Help Small Pot Growers Survive Is Filed [FEATURE]
Some help for small pot producers may be on the way -- but first federal marijuana prohibition has to end.
Colorado Voters Can Embrace Psychedelic Reform in November [FEATURE]
An initiative to decriminalize DMT, ibogaine, mescaline, and psilocybin is on the ballot.
These Six States Could Legalize Marijuana on Election Day [FEATURE]
By the time voting ends in November, we could see half of all states embracing marijuana legalization.
California Governor Vetoes Bill Allowing Safe Injection Site Pilot Programs [FEATURE]
An eight-year campaign to okay safe injection sites in the state comes to an abrupt -- though possibly temporary -- halt.
Medical Marijuana Update
A Pennsylvania doctor who is also a medical marijuana patient is suing to be able to purchase a handgun, Oklahoma is prosecuting pregnant women who use medical marijuana, and more.
State Treasurers Group Renews Call for Marijuana Banking Reform, NY MedMJ Home Grow Regs Adopted, More... (9/21/22)
Indiana lawmakers will meet next week to hear a report on marijuana policy, Louisiana lawmakers have created a task force to look at employment protections for medical marijuana patients, and more.
OK Legalization Init Won't Be on November Ballot, House Committee Advances Marijuana Bills, More... (9/22/22)
Jockeying over marijuana reform legislation in Congress continues, the Oklahoma Supreme Court says a marijuana legalization initiative won't be on the November ballot but can be voted on later, and more.

Colorado magic mushroom proponents have an uphill fight ahead of them, a new poll suggests. (Greenoid/Flickr)
Arkansas Legalization Init Cleared for November, Colorado Psilocybin Init Trailing, More... (9/23/22)
Republicans seek political advantage by calling Mexican cartels "terrorist organizations," the FDA eases rules for groups distributing the opioid overdose reversal drug nalxone, and more.
Colombia President's Drug War Heterodoxy Draws Critics, Belgian Drug Trafficker Threats, More... (9/27/22)
Singapore arrests its citizens for doing drugs outside the country, Colombian President Petro's frank talk about the need for a new model drug policy is exciting critics, and more.
DC Voters Still Like Marijuana Legalization, Native Plans to Sue Feds Over Reservation Pot Raid, More... (9/28/22)
Pot prohibitionists are backing a marijuana research bill, the Philippine DEA says it is okay with medical marijuana, and more.
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