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Personal Marijuana Use

How Would Legalizing Pot Affect Calif. Budget, Communities? (Radio Broadcast)

Proposition 19 on California's November ballot would legalize marijuana possession and allow regulated sales of marijuana to adults. It would be the first such law in the country. Listen in to a debate between Stephen Gutwillig, California State Director of the Drug Policy Alliance, and Roger Morgan, chairman and executive director, Coalition For A Drug-Free California.

The New Politics of Marijuana Reform

MPP's Mike Meno nails it in this piece at Huffington Post. It's almost as if he's been reading my mind (or my blog). He's got some more great examples of how the surging marijuana policy debate is shaking up party politics this election season. Anyone who still doesn't understand that marijuana is no longer a third-rail political issue is in for some big surprises in the coming years, and possibly as soon as November.

do not consent to searches
do not consent to searches

How to Get Arrested for Marijuana in One Easy Step

[image:1 align:right caption:true]If you'd like to get arrested for marijuana, just tell a police officer that you have some in your car:

The officer pulled Vento over at entrance 13 to Interstate 95. While talking to Vento, he appeared nervous, according to police. When asked why, Vento said he had been arrested in the past on drug charges, police said. The officer then asked if there was anything illegal in the car. Vento said he had a marijuana blunt.

Upon searching the car, police found two more blunts. All three tested positive for marijuana. Police also found a bag with a small amount of marijuana.

Vento posted a $250 bond and was released with a Monday, July 26, court date. [Darien Times]

As you can see, the police don't "go easier on you" just because you made things easier for them. If you admit to a crime, you'll be arrested for it. The constitution protects you against self-incrimination and unreasonable searches, so don't confess and never give police permission to search you or your belongings.

If you need more info on your rights during police encounters, watch 10 Rules for Dealing with Police. Then watch it again.

drug reformer
drug reformer

Jane Hamsher Talks Marijuana Legalization on MSNBC

Hey, watch this unbelievable video of firedoglake's Jane Hamsher hurling marijuana legalization like a hand grenade into the middle of the immigration debate:

…and everyone just nods in stunned agreement. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I sure haven't seen much coverage of marijuana policy on MSNBC recently, if ever. Is it necessary to tell them you'll be discussing immigration in order to get some airtime for legalization on the most left-leaning cable news network?

It's time to stop labeling marijuana reform as a liberal issue when FOX News has two pundits talking about it constantly, and MSNBC's got nothing to say.


CA Marijuana Init Worth Hundreds of Millions Yearly, State Analysts Say

California cities and counties are laying off firefighters and police officers as they face a seemingly never-ending budget crisis. A new report from the state Legislative Analyst's Office says they could gain "hundreds of millions of dollars a year" if Proposition 19 passes. Hmmmm...

NAACP Endorses Marijuana Legalization in California

This is encouraging:

Saying that prohibition takes a heavy toll on minorities, leaders of the NAACP's California chapter announced Monday that they are backing passage of a marijuana legalization initiative on the November ballot.

The war on drugs is a failure and disproportionately targets young men and women of color, particularly African-American males, said Alice Huffman, president of the NAACP's state conference.

The group cited statistics from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice showing that in 2009, 62% of the state's marijuana arrests were of nonwhite suspects and that 42% were under 20. [LA Times]

Finding support for reform within communities of color has been a continuing challenge for our movement, and NAACP deserves credit for stepping up and taking the right stance for the right reasons.


Marijuana Church Founder "Too Dangerous" For Bail

Hawaii-based Roger Christie and his THC Ministry have been proselytizing for pot for years. Now, the feds have indicted him, and they've managed to persuade a federal judge that he's "too dangerous" to be allowed out on bail. Welcome back to Bizarro World.

The War on Marijuana = Federal $$$ for Local Cops

If you've ever wondered how police departments can afford to send so many officers off into the woods looking for pot plants, the Wall Street Journal just figured it out:

IGO, Calif.—Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko, his budget under pressure in a weak economy, has laid off staff, reduced patrols and even released jail inmates. But there's one mission on which he's spending more than in recent years: pot busts.

The reason is simple: If he steps up his pursuit of marijuana growers, his department is eligible for roughly half a million dollars a year in federal anti-drug funding, helping save some jobs. The majority of the funding would have to be used to fight pot. Marijuana may not be the county's most pressing crime problem, the sheriff says, but "it's where the money is."

Every year, more money is spent and more marijuana is discovered. The growers then respond by planting still more. New records are set every harvest season, keeping growers and the police who pursue them steadily employed. The big losers in this ridiculous cycle of idiocy are the taxpayers, who spend billions on this stupid self-perpetuating escapade while neighborhood crimes go unsolved.

Just because some people think legalizing marijuana might "send the wrong message," we're instead stuck in a massive domestic war that we can't afford, and we're losing worse every year. Meanwhile, cops and criminals just continue cashing in.

For more, check out this interesting exchange between MPP's Mike Meno and a California reporter who's been following the story.


EU Court Upholds Dutch Border Town's Ban on Drug Tourism

Even though the European Union demands a free market and the free movement of people within its borders, the EU's Court of Justice has ruled that a Dutch border town can bar foreigners from buying pot there.