Prop 19 Campaign Launches TV Ad
If Meg Whitman thinks no one in law enforcement supports legalizing marijuana, she might want to take a
If Meg Whitman thinks no one in law enforcement supports legalizing marijuana, she might want to take a
With due respect to David Harsanyi and Reason, I'm getting a little tired of being told that politicians and voters are united in opposition to reforming drug laws. How many times have we heard this before?
I really ought to be used to it by now, but few things piss me off more than hearing our opponents claim that marijuana legalization means introducing "another intoxicant" into our society. Variations on the whole "we have enough problems with alcohol and tobacco" argument have become a favorite weapon of the anti-reform crowd, yet we've never heard any of them endorsing prohibition of beer or cigarettes.
Here's a nice piece from Reason that looks at the arguments on both sides of the marijuana debate.
This one was put together by a supporter. Nice work.
Quick and to the point. I like it. Please help spread it around.
A peculiar phenomenon amidst the deafening debate over Prop 19 is the tendency of some in the mainstream press to pay lip service to legalization, while simultaneously and dishonestly trashing the only available opportunity to actually do it: