Final Field Poll Has Prop 19 Down
Sunday's Field poll is the latest in a string of polls showing Proposition 19 losing on Tuesday. Can a surge of "unlikely voters" prove the pollsters wrong? We'll find out in just over 48 hours.
I am heading downtown after finishing this blog post, to join my cohorts in the drug policy contingent at the "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" this afternoon.
With all the excitement surrounding Prop 19, Steve Cooley's campaign for California Attorney General hasn't generated as much concern as it should. Americans for Safe Access has released a video to remind voters that Cooley is a vicious enemy of California's medical marijuana laws.
As I pointed out last week, the threat of federal interference if Prop 19 passes has been overblown considerably by opponents of marijuana legalization. Justin Elliot at Salon has more.