New York state has decriminalized marijuana possession, but you wouldn't know it from New York City's horrible pot bust numbers. That's about to change.
The FBI's annual Uniform Crime Report finds that drug arrests are stabilizing, but at near record levels. More than 1.6 million people got busted for drugs last year, more than half of them for pot.
Britain's Liberal Democrats, junior partners in a coalition government with the Tories, have passed a resolution calling for decriminalization of drug possession, regulated marijuana sales, and more.
Between now and the seating of a new Congress after the 2012 elections, drug reform is going to be a tough slog on Capitol Hill. But that doesn't mean reformers are going away, or that there aren't battles to be fought and won.
Oregon marijuana legalization activists are working on three different initiatives aimed at the November 2012 ballot -- but are also offering assurances about unity and working together.
A second initiative to legalize marijuana in California has now been filed. This one would repeal all criminal penalties for adult use, cultivation, and distribution and give the state six months to come up with regulations for cannabis commerce.
The Greek government has submitted a bill that would decriminalize drug possession in most circumstances and provide for drug treatment instead of jail for addicts.