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Personal Marijuana Use


What’s it like to smoke herb with Rick Santorum?

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Huffington Post has a nifty little slideshow looking at the Republican presidential candidate’s positions and past statements on marijuana. Short version: Gary Johnson and Ron Paul support freedom and common sense, the rest are generally in favor of arresting lots of people.


Freedom Fighter of the Month

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I’ve been named Freedom Fighter of the Month in the November issue of High Times. I think this happened either because of that incident where we crashed the White House contact page, or because they ran out of other people to give it to. In any case, I think it’s pretty cool.

Beal leading Global Marijuana March in NYC, 1994 (
Beal leading Global Marijuana March in NYC, 1994 (

Activist Dana Beal Sentenced, Suffers Heart Attack

As he waited in a Wisconsin holding cell to be transferred to state prison to serve a marijuana trafficking sentence, iconic activist Dana Beal was stricken with a heart attack. He is currently in intensive care under sedation.