Will Obama Be Better on Drug Policy in His Second Term?
[inline:Obama1.jpg align=right]Marc Ambinder has a totally weird and distracting piece in GQ

Obama and Romney Can't Ignore Marijuana Anymore
[inline:marijuanaflower.jpg align=right]It's kinda hard to pretend pot doesn't exist when almost everyone is talking about it. This week, both Reuters and Associated Press dropped big stories about the implications of marijuana policy on the presidential election and the whole discussion is making Obama and Romney look a little silly.
British Columbia Local Governments Call for Marijuana Decriminalization
The association representing British Columbia municipal governments has endorsed a resolution calling for marijuana decriminalization. That puts it in line with more than two-thirds of the province's residents, but not with the federal government in Ottawa.
Arkansas Medical Marijuana Initiative Fends Off Ballot Challenge
A last ditch effort to block an Arkansas medical marijuana initiative from appearing on the November has failed.
Washington Marijuana Legalization Measure In Strong Position [FEATURE]
Washington state's I-502 marijuana legalization is well-placed to emerge victorious on November 6, but it's going to be close.
Initiative Watch
We're a little more than a month from election day. Here's what's going on with the state-level initiatives.
British Columbia Marijuana Decriminalization Initiative Approved
Dana Larsen has a plan to decriminalize marijuana possession in British Columbia. It will take up to two years.
Swiss Move to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession
The upper and lower chambers of the Swiss parliament have agreed on a marijuana decriminalization bill. Now it awaits a final vote next week.
Initiative Watch
Three marijuana legalization initiatives, two medical marijuana initiatives, and one sentencing reform initiative are on state ballots this year. We'll be running a feature story on one of them each week between now and election day, but we've created this short-term feature to keep up with all of them.
Oregon Marijuana Initiative Trailing Slightly in Poll
The Oregon marijuana legalization initiative is trailing narrowly in a new poll, with a large number of undecideds.