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Medical Marijuana

Mexican President-Elect Andres Lopez Manuel Obrador is talking about legalizing opium production again. (Creative Commons)
Mexican President-Elect Andres Lopez Manuel Obrador is talking about legalizing opium production again. (Creative Commons)

Chronicle AM: New Pew Pot Poll, UK MedMJ, Mexico Opium Talk, More... (10/8/18)

A new Pew poll shows continuing majority support for marijuana legalization, Mexico's president-elect talks legalizing opium production for medicine, Texas's governor gets behind reducing pot penalties, and more.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_187.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_187.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

It's been pretty quiet on the medical marijuana front this week, but the DEA has okayed the importation of Canadian marijuana for research purposes, and more.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_188.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_188.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

The DEA last week rescheduled the marijuana-based drug Epidiolex, California's governor vetoes a compassionate access bill, Michigan dispensaries must have licenses by Halloween or be shut down, and more.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy says marijuana legalization is coming "sooner than later." (Creative Commons)
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy says marijuana legalization is coming "sooner than later." (Creative Commons)

Chronicle AM: Jerry Brown Vetoes Marijuana Samples for Poor Patients, NJ Gov Says Legalization Soon, More... (10/2/18)

Some members of Congress want to know why the DEA approves research marijuana imports but not research marijuana here, New Jersey's governor says legal pot is coming, California's governor vetoes a bill that would have let dispensaries give free samples to poor medical marijuana patients, and more.