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Medical Marijuana

State Receives Second Round of Pot Dispensary Applications

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services is seeking companies to run two medical marijuana dispensaries in York and Washington Counties. The state has received 19 applications from non-profit corporations to operate the dispensaries.

Bringing Doctors to MMJ Patients: MMAPR Brings Mobile Doctors to Patients at Cannabis Festival

“No patient left behind” is the mantra of the Denver-based Medical Marijuana Assistance Program of the Rockies (MMAPR). Working with indigent, low-income patients, MMAPR has launched a mobile doctors service, bringing doctors to the patients themselves. Through the support of local dispensaries and other medical marijuana industry businesses, MMAPR is able to not only provide convenient doctor visits, but also significant savings to patients, often as much as 25 percent.

The Forgotten Ban: Obama Sticks with DEA Nominee Michele Leonhart Despite Criticism of Raids

Michele Leonhart, a DEA deputy administrator appointed by President George W. Bush and the acting administrator since the resignation of Karen P. Tandy in 2007, has consistently ignored a Justice Department directive not to “waste resources” by raiding medical marijuana dispensaries and growers operating legally in states that allow the sale of medical marijuana. Now, seemingly backtracking on his marijuana policy, President Obama is sticking with the Bush appointee and DEA-head nominee Leonhart despite massive criticism.

Wait for Medical Marijuana in NJ Frustrates Terminally Ill Patients

Legislation approving at least six non-profit alternative treatment centers to dispense medical marijuana in New Jersey was approved in January. Politicians have delayed the implementation date until January 2011. Meanwhile, terminally ill patients are in pain and dying.

Doctors, Police Will Support Medical Marijuana in Pittsburgh (Press Release)

Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana PA4MMJ

CONTACT: Pittsburgh: Patrick Nightingale [email protected] 412-225-7959

Philadelphia: Derek Rosenzweig or Chris Goldstein [email protected] or 215-586-3483

Doctors, Police will support medical marijuana in Pittsburgh

Public hearings this week on Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana bill HB 1393 will feature powerful testimony in favor of legal access. The House Health and Human Services Committee will meet Thursday in Pittsburgh to address the topic. More info

The Committee will hear from medical doctors, retired police, a former Assistant District Attorney and medical professionals.

- Dr. Cyril Wecht, one of the nation’s most respected forensic pathologists, will testify at he hearing. Wecht said today, "I have personally performed approximately 17000 autopsies during my 50 year career as a forensic pathologist. I have reviewed, supervised or signed off on 36000 other autopsy reports, many of which have emanated from jurisdictions throughout the United States. I have never diagnosed as a cause of death ‘acute cannabinoid toxicity’, nor, in all the other cases that I have reviewed have I ever seen such a post-mortem diagnosis."

- Patrick Nightingale Esq. is a former Assistant DA in Pittsburgh. He is on the Board of directors at Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana PA4MMJ and co-founded PittsburghNORML. He commented today, “We are honored to add to the Legislative Record the testimony of such a renowned group of individuals.”

“We believe Dr. Wecht's testimony will provide compelling evidence that marijuana can and is used safely and does not pose the risks of overdose and death commonly associated with opiate based medications such as oxycontin, fentanyl, vicodin and percoset."

- Dr. Lester Grinspoon is Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Grinspoon has written extensively on medial marijuana including the book Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine. Grinspoon will appear at the hearing to testify via internet video conferencing.

- Jack Cole spent 26 years with the New Jersey State police. He worked for 14 years in narcotics, much of it undercover. Cole went on to found the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition LEAP and will testify in favor of medical marijuana.

- Sgt. Matt Rite is a 22-year-old Iraq war veteran. Ready to re-deploy with his unit, he was given a general discharge after testing positive for THC. The federal Veterans Affairs Administration recently addressed medical marijuana use. If vets are registered in a state authorized medical marijuana program they will face no internal sanctions.

In addition to the live testimony dozens of Pittsburgh area residents will submit written testimony to the HHS Committee.

Representative Mark B. Cohen introduced HB1393 and the first public hearings took place in Harrisburg last December.

A Franklin&Marshall poll conducted this year showed that 80% of PA residents support the medical marijuana legislation.

Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana (PA4MMJ) is a statewide non-profit advocacy group promoting passage of the bill.

PA4MMJ welcomes the opportunity to put legislators and the media into contact with local patients and cannabis experts.

CONTACT: Pittsburgh: Patrick Nightingale [email protected] 412-225-7959

Philadelphia: Derek Rosenzweig or Chris Goldstein [email protected] or 215-586-3483