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Medical Marijuana

ACTION ALERT: Is Your City on the "Ban List" ?


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This alert provided by Sensible Colorado Action c(4)


Is Your City on the "Ban List"?

Stand Together and

Fight for Safe Access!

ALERT:  Many Colorado communities will have public votes this November to ban dispensaries-- and many others are considering enacting bans.  Sensible Colorado is working with local activists in communities across Colorado to fight these restrictions on safe access. If you live in one of these communities, the time to begin fighting these bans is now!

Here is a list of communities which either have a November vote planned, have a current ban, or are discussing a ban.

**URGENT** Broomfield

Activists in Broomfield are currently gathering signatures to overturn their local ban.  They have just a few weeks to collect almost 2000 signatures and need help gathering signatures today!

Contact: Pamela Gianola: 303 466 7420


Aurora, Loveland, Longmont, Windsor, Larkspur, Minturn, Grand Junction, Paonia, Broomfield


El Paso, Eagle, Larimer, Garfield, Granby, Fraiser, Douglas, Las Animas, Mesa, Ouray, Montrose

**If your community is being effected by a ban or you want to help fight these restrictions please contact us asap at [email protected] or 720 890 4247.

Sensible Colorado | PO Box 18768 | Denver CO 80218

DC City Hall
DC City Hall

DC Issues Draft Regulations for Medical Marijuana [FEATURE]

District of Columbia voters overwhelmingly passed medical marijuana but waited 12 years for it to become law. Now the DC government is making them wait an extra five months before even beginning to set up a medical marijuana system, and the framework they've crafted has problems.

Shield Banks that Deal with Medical Marijuana Industry: The Federal Government Should Clearly State That Banks Won't Be Targeted for Doing Business with Legal Pot Producers (Opinion)

The Denver Post opines that as Colorado embarks on the laborious process of writing rules for the medical marijuana industry, it is clear that regulators would be in a much better position to enforce the complex new law if they had banking records to review. Unfortunately, that is becoming more difficult as banks, concerned that marijuana is still illegal under federal law, shy away from holding accounts for medical marijuana businesses.

Boulder's Medical Marijuana Shops Struggle with 'grueling' Paperwork

Following legislation passed earlier this year, medical marijuana businesses in Colorado must apply for operating licenses through both the state and the municipalities in which they operate. As of today, none of the estimated 100 dispensaries and greenhouses doing business in Boulder has turned in a completed application, which some business owners say is lengthy, complicated and expensive to put together.

Public Hearing Scheduled for Medical Marijuana Bill (Press Release)

Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana PA4MMJ

CONTACT: Pittsburgh: Patrick Nightingale [email protected] 412-225-7959

Philadelphia: Derek Rosenzweig or Chris Goldstein [email protected] or 215-586-3483

PA: Public hearing for medical marijuana bill scheduled

8/11/2010 - The Pennsylvania House Health and Human Services Committee will hold a satellite hearing on medical marijuana in Pittsburgh, PA on August 19, 2010.

HHS Committee Chair Representative Frank Oliver issued a memo yesterday:

Please be advised that on Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. in the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health at 130 Desoto Street, Room G-23, Pittsburgh, PA 15320, there will be a public hearing on House Bill 1393.

Representative Mark B. Cohen introduced HB1393 and the first public hearings took place in Harrisburg last December. Residents living with chronic medical conditions, doctors, medical professionals and attorneys testified in favor of the bill.

Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana (PA4MMJ) is a statewide non-profit advocacy group promoting passage of the bill. Patrick Nightingale Esq., a criminal defense attorney in Pittsburgh, serves on the Board of Directors for PA4MMJ and coordinates efforts in Western Pennsylvania.

Nightingale commented on the memo, “We at Pittsburgh NORML and Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana are thrilled to learn of the upcoming hearing. We have heard from dozens of current medicinal patients or potential medicinal cannabis patients - veterans, retired school teachers, young people, grandparents, professionals and blue collar workers - all united by the belief that marijuana can provide relief for their medical conditions.”

Nightingale added, “ We believe that passage of the Barry Busch Compassionate Use Act will greatly benefit the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania just as it benefits the citizens of 14 other states and the District of Columbia who's legislatures have enacted medicinal marijuana laws.”

A Franklin & Marshall poll conducted this year showed that 80% of PA residents support the medical marijuana legislation.

The twenty-six-member House HHS committee includes HB 1393’s sponsor Rep. Cohen and co-sponsor Representative Tony Payton Jr.

Senator Daylin Leach introduced the companion bill, SB 1350, earlier this year. Senator Jim Ferlo of the Pittsburgh area recently co-sponsored the medical marijuana legislation. Senate committee hearings are expected in the fall.

Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana will be holding rally events, information seminars and fundraisers across the Commonwealth to raise awareness for HB 1393 and SB 1350.

PA4MMJ welcomes the opportunity to put legislators and the media into contact with local patients and cannabis experts.

CONTACT: Pittsburgh: Patrick Nightingale [email protected] 412-225-7959

Philadelphia: Derek Rosenzweig or Chris Goldstein [email protected] or 215-586-3483

Marijuana Business Bans Hurt More Than Just Business Owners

To the detriment of their seriously ill citizens, several cities across Montana have banned or are considering banning medical marijuana businesses. That's forcing some patients to turn to the dangerous black market to get their medicine, exactly what medical marijuana laws are intended to guard against.