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Medical Marijuana

6-month Delay for Medical Marijuana Permits Stressful: MD

Patients seeking to use medical marijuana are being forced to wait as long as six months by Health Canada because a backlog of permit applications, says British Columbia's Dr. Gwyllyn Goddard. Because of the delays many patients buy pot illegally while they wait for the official government permit.

TV Station to Air First-ever Medical Pot Ad

Fox's KTXL television station in Sacramento, California will be the first-ever in the United States to air a paid commercial advertisement for a medical marijuana dispensary.

Marijuana Effective for Pain Relief, Study Finds

The results of a published today in the Canadian Medical Association Journal: smoking pot can make some of the pain go away, without the patient getting high. The finding comes from what researchers in Montreal believe to be the first outpatient clinical trial of smoked cannabis, involving 21 people with chronic neuropathic pain.
cannabis prescription legally produced in Netherlands (courtesy Marijuana Policy Project)
cannabis prescription legally produced in Netherlands (courtesy Marijuana Policy Project)

Reports of Germany Legalizing Medical Marijuana are Premature

The German health ministry announced last week that it was moving to legalize medical marijuana, and that no law changes are necessary, merely the changing of some regulations.

Ferndale Raid Underscores Silliness of Drug War (Opinion)

Darrell Dawsey reflects on the logic of the Oakland County Sheriff's Department raiding a medical marijuana dispensary mere days after the City Council of Ferndale, Mich., lifted a moratorium on medical marijuana businesses in the Detroit suburb. Their actions are in defiance of the will of the City Council and the majority of voters in the state. It seems especially odd given the U.S. Department of Justice said it won't prosecute marijuana dispensaries that abide by state laws.

We Miss You!



Dear friends,

The last few months, we've told you about the strides we're making to ensure everyone has safe and legal access to their medicine. We told you about the grassroots base we're building, the impact cases we've filed (and won!) and the many, many services we offer to patients across the country. Still, we haven't been able to renew your membership.

Take a moment to watch this video. We hope it inspires you to renew your commitment to our movement and renew your membership to ASA.

We are in a unique political climate that has a window of opportunity we're not likely to see again, and ASA will act on it; but we cannot afford to lose the support of a good friend like you. Click here to renew your membership today.

We really need you with us this year.

Steph Sherer

Executive Director



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60,000+ Waiting for Medical Marijuana Licenses

According to Ron Hyman of the Colorado Department of Health, there is a backlog of 60,000 to 70,000 applications for state-issued medical marijuana licenses waiting for approval. The delay is costly -- there is more than $5 million in application fees waiting to be processed.

Gov. Bill Ritter Turns to Medical Marijuana Fund to Help Balance Colorado Budget

The plan Ritter announced to bridge a nearly $60 million shortfall in the current budget year relies on $9 million from the state's Medical Marijuana Program Cash Fund, financed by fees on patients who get cards to use medical marijuana. With the number of applicants for medical marijuana cards expected to double to 150,000 this year, there will still be about $1 million left in the fund even after $9 million is swept from it.

Senator Scutari Introduces Measure Urging Governor's Support of Federal Bill to Protect Medical Marijuana Patients

New Jersey State Senator Nicholas P. Scutari (D-Union) introduced a measure urging Governor Christie to support and advocate for federal legislation that would provide legal protection to patients who use medical marijuana in compliance with state laws. The Senator’s bill would express the Legislature’s support and urge the Governor to support and advocate for H.R. 2835, known as the “Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act.” In states with legalized medical marijuana, H.R. 2835 would protect patients, prescribing doctors, distributors and anyone authorized to obtain, possess or distribute marijuana on behalf of a patient against arrest and prosecution by federal authorities.