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Medical Marijuana

Protestors Rally for Those Arrested in Pot Busts

Michigan’s medical marijuana law had its first dramatic day in an Oakland County court as a dozen people arrested in a medical marijuana raid on August 25 came before a judge for preliminary exams.
Rand Paul (courtesy Gage Skidmore via
Rand Paul (courtesy Gage Skidmore via

Rand Paul & Medical Marijuana [Updated]

See updates below.

[image:1 align:left caption:true]Mike Meno at MPP points out that Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul no longer supports medical marijuana. That's right, folks. Rand Paul, son of the famously libertarian-leaning and pro-marijuana-reform Congressman Ron Paul, is now in favor of arresting sick people for medical marijuana.

Medical Marijuana Advocates to Local Officials: Comply with State Law

Americans for Safe Access, the country's leading medical marijuana patient advocacy group, issued letters today to more than 140 localities across California with bans on distribution, demanding that they come into compliance with state law. The letters were sent two weeks after California's Fourth District Court of Appeal issued a long-awaited decision rejecting the argument that local or state dispensary laws are preempted by federal law.

America's First Medical Marijuana TV Ad

A Sacramento, CA dispensary — run by a conservative Christian — makes history with a television commercial touting the benefits of medical marijuana.

Dispensary Ban? Let the Voters Decide!

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 Sensible Colorado Action Puts Trust in Voters

Dispensary Ban Overturned (for now)

BROOMFIELD, CO -- Last night the Broomfield City Council voted to place a question on the November ballot to allow local voters to decided whether to permit medical marijuana dispensaries.  This vote occurred after community members turned in over 1500 signatures opposing a ban on these centers which the City Council enacted in July 2010.

“Hundreds of sick patients who live in Broomfield deserve safe access to their constitutionally protected medicine at centers regulated by the Colorado Department of Revenue,” stated Brian Vicente, executive director of Sensible Colorado Action which provided funding and strategic support for the local campaign.  “Sensible Colorado Action is proud to support the Broomfield citizens who stood up to City Council over the last month and collected the signatures necessary to force the Council to suspend it's ill conceived ban,” continued Vicente.

“Today’s victory for patients’ safe access to medicine should be a warning to other local politicians who think they can infringe upon the constitutional and statutory rights of Colorado’s  nearly 150,000 medical marijuana patients,” stated Vicente.

On November 2, 2010, Broomfield voters will decided whether to uphold this suspension of the local ban.

**Interested in helping out with the Broomfield campaign or developing a plan to fight for safe access in your community?  Contact Sensible Colorado today. Click here.

Sensible Colorado | PO Box 18768 | Denver CO 80218