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Medical Marijuana


Obama and Eric Holder Are Still Lying About the Medical Marijuana Raids

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On Thursday, Eric Holder lied to Congress about DOJ's escalating attacks against medical marijuana:

Mr. Holder said federal officials are not going after those who are staying within the confines of their states' medical marijuana laws, but said some have "come up with ways in which they are taking advantage of these state laws."

"We limit our enforcement efforts to those individuals, organizations that are acting out of conformity with state law," Mr. Holder told a House Judiciary Committee oversight hearing. [Washington Times]

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Medical Marijuana Bill Goes to New Hampshire Governor

The New Hampshire legislature has sent a medical marijuana bill to the governor's desk, but the governor has threatened a veto, and the push is on to either find a veto-proof majority or get the governor to change his mind.
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Medical Marijuana Update

Connecticut becomes the 17th medical marijuana state, localities in various medical marijuana states continue to try to keep a lid on the green medicine, and two raids go down and 34 warning letters go down in LA County right at press time.

Why Do Democrats Defend the Drug War?

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The rank hypocrisy of Obama's position on pot has been amplified rather dramatically by last week's revelation that he literally smoked more than his share of it back in high school. It's an important conversation to have, but I think this analysis by Paul Waldman in The American Prospect lands a little off the mark.