Medical marijuana continues to be an issue in Congress, medical marijuana programs in Illinois and New York move ahead, a federal appeals court decision hits dispensaries in the pocketbook, and more.
Bernie Sanders calls for lower Naloxone prices (
A novel legal tactic by marijuana foes rears its ugly head, last minute maneuvering scuttled social clubs in Washington state, Bernie Sanders wants cheaper Naloxone prices, Illinois' first medical marijuana grow gets underway, and more.
A new law should reduce prison overcrowding in Connecticut. (
Nearly half the country thinks roads will be less safe with pot legalization, researchers debunk the gateway theory... again, applicants pile up for medical marijuana programs in Florida and New York, Connecticut's governor signs a bill doing away with mandatory minimums for drug possession, and more.
A bill to allow marijuana businesses access to banking services has been filed in Congress, Oregon's largest airport okays flying with marijuana (in-state only), Indiana's Church of Cannabis is suing the state, the Pope drinks coca tea on his way to Bolivia, and more. is a series of in-depth web sites presenting information and views from on current issues, several with relevance to drug policy. This is the last in a six week series of info items from appearing in Drug War Chronicle -- this one returning to -- and we encourage you to check it out.
With state legislative sessions winding down, its been pretty quiet on the medical marijuana front, except for California, where both localities and the legislature continue to grapple with the issue.
Sen. Feinstein is being urged to support medical marijuana. (
Midwest marijuana legalization initiatives make news, Sen. Feinstein feels some heat, some European countries keep giving Iran anti-drug aid despite a rising number of executions, California's governor signs a bill barring discrimination against medical marijuana patients in organ transplants, and more.
Heroin overdoses nearly doubled between 2011 and 2013, according to the CDC. (
A bill decriminalizing marijuana possession and allowing personal cultivation is moving in Chile, a bill regulating the medical marijuana industry is moving in California, the CDC issues another warning about heroin, Miami Beach is the latest South Florida community to decriminalize, and more.
Marijuana legalization comes with some additional sentencing reforms in Oregon, Denver activists roll out a pot social club initiative, Louisiana becomes the latest medical marijuana state, Vancouver cannabis clashes, and more.