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What Happens AFTER You Refuse a Police Search?

Flex Your Rights has been working for many years now to educate everyone we can about the importance of refusing police searches and otherwise knowing and asserting your constitutional rights when confronted by police. Unfortunately, even if you handle a police encounter perfectly, things can still get pretty ugly. This video discusses how to handle some of the challenges you can run into after asserting your rights:

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Connecticut Bill to Strengthen Racial Profiling Ban Passes

A bill that will revive and strengthen Connecticut's largely dormant racial profiling law has passed the legislature, and Gov.

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Did You Know? Legal Drinking Age 138 Countries, from is a set of in-depth web sites presenting information and views from on current issues, several with relevance to drug policy.

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Connecticut to Become 17th Medical Marijuana State

Connecticut is about to join the ranks of the medical marijuana states, but in a bid to fend off the feds, its new law is one of the most tightly-drawn yet.

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Colorado Per Se Drugged Driving Bill Moving

A bill that would label drivers impaired if they have more than five nanograms of THC per milliliter in their blood even if they are not ac

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DEA Forgets Student in Cell, Pols Want Answers

DEA agents arrested a San Diego college student in a drug bust, then forgot about him, leaving him in a holding cell for five days.

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Pelosi Condemns Medical Marijuana Crackdown

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has joined the chorus of critics condemning the Obama administration's crackdown on medical marijuana businesses.

Read More Article on DEA "Lost Prisoner"

I'm quoted, fairly extensively, in an article appearing on about Daniel Chong, the student who almost died handcuffed in a detention cell after DEA personnel forgot about him for five

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Is the D.A.R.E. Program Good for America's Kids? (K-12), from

Drug War Chronicle is running a series of "Did You Know?" items highlighting items from This is the second installment.

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Nancy Pelosi Condemns Federal Attacks on Medical Marijuana

Yesterday we reported that advocates had presented House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi with a petition asking her to help end the federal crackdown on medical marijuana.

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Drug Czar Denies that Marijuana Users Are Arrested and Forced into Treatment

[inline:drugczar.jpg align=right]On Tuesday, I had a chance to question the drug czar about his enthusiasm for drug treatment at an event in D.C. Mike Riggs at Reason has good coverage of the exchange.

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This is Maria. She Will end the War on Drugs.

I saw this at DrugWarRant and had to pass it along. Very powerful. Watch the whole thing. 

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Jimmy Kimmel Gets the Entire American Press to Admit Smoking Pot

I don't think we've posted this anywhere yet, and I don't want our negligence to be the reason anyone misses what might be the coolest thing I've seen this year, so better a little late than never:

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The Drug Czar's False Statement About Marijuana and Hemp Should be a Bigger Scandal

My latest Huffington Post rant calls out the drug czar's preposterous excuses for the ban on industrial hemp cultivation. Check it out. 

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The Ugly Truth About Obama's War on Medical Marijuana

[inline:medicalmarijuanawheelchair1.jpg align=right]As the media turns up the heat on Obama's medical marijuana crackdown, one of the excuses he's giving is that they're just going after businesses that are violating state laws.

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Attorney General Admits Obama Was Wrong About Medical Marijuana Laws

Obama's recent claim that he can't do anything about the illegality of medical marijuana has drawn plenty of criticism, but this ought to take the cake.

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New Poll: Almost Everyone Thinks It's Wrong to Jail People for Pot

Via NORML, check out this new data from an Angus Reid Public Opinion poll.

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Did You Know? 16 States' and DC's Medical Marijuana Laws, from is a series of in-depth web sites presenting information and views from on current issues, several with relevance to drug policy.

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Obama Defends War on Medical Marijuana With Lame Excuses

[inline:Obama1.jpg align=right]Finally, finally, finally, someone in the press has managed to corner the President on the question of why the war on medical marijuana is getting worse under his watch. Here you go folks, the answer we've been waiting for…

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