Drug War Chronicle #945 - September 29, 2016
Powerful Coalition is Building Pressure on Feds to Think Again on Kratom Ban [FEATURE]
A last ditch effort is underway to stop the DEA from acting precipitously to ban an herb used to help wean people from opioids.
Medical Marijuana Update
No medical marijuana for Missouri this year, polling looks good for the Florida initiative and tense for competing Arkansas initiatives, Colorado moves toward adding PTSD as a qualifying condition, and more.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
A Texas border town cop gets nailed for helping a cartel, an Indiana cop prepares to head to federal prison for peddling dope in uniform, and more.
Donald Trump's Bizarre Explanation for Charlotte Unrest: "Drugs"
What's behind the unrest in Charlotte? Donald Trump has a unique answer.
The Charlotte Killing That Sparked Civic Unrest Began With a Joint
If not for prohibition, the death of Keith Scott and the civic unrest in Charlotte might never haver happened.
Chronicle AM: Good MJ Polls in CA/NV, Lynch Rejects Gateway Theory, MI MedMJ, More... (9/22/16)
New polls show legalization initiatives leading in California and Nevada, Michigan will soon see medical marijuana dispensaries, Missouri won't get to vote on medical marijuana this year, Attorney General Lynch rejects the gateway theory, and more.
Chronicle AM: DEA Issues Carfentanil Warning, Malaysia to Hang Man for MJ Trafficking, More... (9/23/16)
The DEA issues a warning on a powerful emerging opioid, Michigan marijuana legalizers turn their eyes to 2018, Malaysia sentences a man to death for pot dealing, and more.
Chronicle AM: Initiative Polls in AR/CA/ME, Marijuana Arrests at 20-Year Low, More.. (9/26/16)
Polls show thing looking good for legalization efforts in California and Maine, tight for medical marijuana in Arkansas, marijuana possession arrests hit a 20-year-low, and more.

Oregon sheriffs and police chiefs jointly call for defelonizing simple drug possession. (Creative Commons)
Chronicle AM: OR Top Cops Want Defelonization, SC County Wants to Jail Overdosers, More... (9/27/16)
NORML updates its congressional scorecard, Bay State legalizers cry foul over a misleading voter guide, the number of babies suffering from opioid withdrawals has jumped dramatically, Oregon top cops want to defelonize simple drug possession, and more.
Chronicle AM: CA "Doctor Shopping" Law, Strong FL MedMJ Polling, Iran Executions More... (9/28/16)
The polls are looking good in Florida and Massachusetts, California's governor signs a mandatory prescription monitoring bill, Iran executes more drug offenders, and more.
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