Drug War Chronicle #787 - June 13, 2013

This is how your Washington state marijuana will be labelled, according to the Liquor Control Board.
Moving Toward Legal Marijuana Commerce in Washington State [FEATURE]
Washington state's move toward legal, regulated marijuana commerce is well underway. Initial draft rules have been circulated and commented on, and here's where things stand now. But retail outlets are still months away.
Sex, Lies, and a Georgia Drug Frame-up [FEATURE]
Clarence Walker presents a Southern gothic tale of lust, judicial privilege, retaliation, planted drugs, and crooked cops.
Donations Needed This Month for Drug War Chronicle
StoptheDrugWar.org needs your support to continue our work during the most important time in drug reform we've ever seen. We have gifts to send you too, with donations of $15 or more.
Internships: Legislative, Writing/Research, Web, IT, Admin/Finance, Communications
Interns are making an important difference fighting the good fight with us at StoptheDrugWar.org.
Vermont Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession
Vermont becomes the latest state to decriminalize marijuana possession as Gov. Peter Shumlin (D) signed a decrim bill into law Thursday.
Marc Emery in Solitary Confinement in US Prison
Canadian "Prince of Pot" Marc Emery has been sent to solitary in a US federal prison over what looks like a bogus "investigation" into who (or what) took photos of he and prison bandmates practicing.
New Jerseyans Ready to Decriminalize Marijuana, Poll Finds
In New Jersey, the Senate Judiciary Committee is where marijuana decriminalization bills get stalled. A new poll may help prod legislators to move on them.
Maine Legislature Won't Put Marijuana Referendum on Ballot
A Maine marijuana legalization bill morphed into a bill to allow a popular vote on legalization, but even that couldn't pass the House. If solons don't act, activists are looking at a citizen initiative in 2016.
Medical Marijuana Update
California dispensaries continue their vanishing act, thanks to feds and local officials, but Arizona fends off a challenge, Oregon adds PTSD to its list of approved conditions, and frustrated New Jersey patients rally.
Marijuana-Based Medicines Okayed in France
France has taken a major step toward okaying marijuana-based medicines.
Iowa Federal Judge Criticizes Harsh Methamphetamine Sentences
A US district court judge has lambasted federal meth sentencing guidelines as harsh, unfair, based on politics instead of science, and "fundamentally flawed." He's not the only one.
Drug Prohibitions Hurt Science, Researchers Charge
A trio of leading scientists, including British Professor David Nutt, have lambasted the prohibitions on psychoactive substances as amounting to censorship of science in a paper published Wednesday.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
A pill-popping Florida cop goes to jail, a coke-slinging New York TSA agent gets busted, and a North Carolina narc gets fired.
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