Drug War Chronicle #659 - November 18, 2010
Senate Holds Hearings on Controversial DEA Nominee [FEATURE]
Despite facilitating perjury, prosecuting medical marijuana cases, blocking research, and sitting on rescheduling petitions, Michelle Leonhart's nomination as DEA adminstrator sailed through the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday.
Election 2010 and US Drug Policy in Latin America [FEATURE]
Will US drug policy in Latin America change for the better or the worse after the 2010 elections? Or will it stay the same? We ask the analysts.
National Call-In Alert: The National Criminal Justice Commission Act
Sen. Jim Webb's bill to create a bipartisan National Criminal Justice Commission has passed the House of Representatives and the Senate Judiciary Committee. Your phone calls to US Senators could be what gets the bill passed this year, and the top-to-bottom review of the criminal justice system started.
Mexico Drug War Update
Running gun battles in Matamoros, hundreds of residents fleeing a town in Tamaulipas, and Ciudad Juarez retains its title as Murder City. Oh, and this year's death toll just passed 9,000.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
More Jail Guards Gone Wild! Plus a Georgia cop gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and three Maryland cops get nailed for their shenanigans.
Supreme Court Upholds Gun Enhancement for Drug Crimes
Don't own a gun if you're contemplating committing a drug offense. It'll cost you five years in federal prison no matter if you used it or not, and the US Supreme Court is fine with that.
Oakland Okays Medical Marijuana Mega-Grows
Oakland is set to become the first city in the nation to tax and regulate large-scale medical marijuana grow ops after a Tuesday night vote at the city council.
Kamala Harris Takes Late Lead in CA AG Race
The California medical marijuana community is starting to breathe a sigh of relief, as San Francisco DA Kamala Harris is taking the lead over LA DA Steve Cooley, a medical marijuana foe, in the late vote counting.
Arizona Medical Marijuana Initiative Wins
From the It Ain't Over Until It's Over Dept.: After losing on Election Day and trailing almost all the way through the late vote count, Arizona's medical marijuana initiative emerged victorious in the end.
Sen. Orrin Hatch Asks DEA to Ban Spice, K2
We can't have people getting high legally can we? Orrin Hatch doesn't think so, and wants the DEA to ban Spice.
Marianas Islands Marijuana Legalization Bill Passes House
The Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands has become the first US territory to see a marijuana legalization bill pass a legislative chamber.
This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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