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Latin America: Mexico Drug War Update

The prohibition-related violence in Mexico took an ominous turn this week as supposed cartel armies attacked military bases in the north. And then there's the typical toll of dead cops, dead narcos, and dead civilians.

Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

"Embarrassing Typo on Anti-Legalization Site," "Drug Czar Doesn't Want to Discuss California's Legalization Effort," "Sting Says End the Drug War," "Medical Marijuana on South Park Tonight," "Drug Cartels Are Terrified of Marijuana Legalization," "Illegal Growers Are Terrified of Marijuana Legalization," "An Argument to Avoid Making, Part 2."

Drug Czar Doesn't Want to Discuss California's Legalization Effort

California could legalize marijuana this November and the drug czar isn’t sure exactly what to say about it:

The Obama administration's top drug enforcement official sidestepped a question Thursday on how the federal government would react if California voters legalize pot this fall.

Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske said he wouldn't speculate on what the Obama administration would do if California voters approve a ballot initiative that would make marijuana legal for consumption but subject it to regulation.

"Since it hasn't passed, right now it would be improper to speculate on what the federal government's role is," Kerlikowske said during an appearance on ABC's "Top Line" webcast. [The Hill]

There's not much here to try to interpret, but it's certainly an improvement from the hysterical response I'm sure we'd have seen under the Bush Administration. Isn't it incredible that the nation's top anti-drug official -- the man whose primary responsibility is to serve as head cheerleader for the war on drugs – can't think of anything more interesting to say about the country's most populous state attempting to legalize marijuana for recreational use? You could get as much insight from a random guy on the street.

This comment from the article is helpful in explaining what's going on with marijuana policy at the White House:

Obama has played the medical marijuana issue perfectly, allowing MM states to push the envelope and creating acceptance for cannabis in the general population while expending no political capital of his own…

This is exactly right, and it's vitally important to understand this concept even as we condemn the Obama Administration for upholding the status quo in most aspects of drug policy. We've reached a point where it's no longer politically wise for the Administration, particularly a Democratic one, to be visibly associated with aggressive reefer madness. They've appeared to understand this so far, thus the Administration's tone regarding the California legalization effort will speak volumes, regardless of whether or not they actually say anything.
In The Trenches

ASA's roadmap to win


ASA will build the federal framework that will bring safe and legal access to all Americans by 2013.

For too long the medical marijuana movement has been forced into a reactionary and defensive position, constantly having to push back against outrageously unjust legislation our movement has been so busy fighting for what we don't want, we lost sight of how to fight for what we need. That ends today.

Our movement has come to a crossroads, for the first time we have a political climate that is ripe for this victory but without
your support we'll miss this historic opportunity and will be forced back to treading water, back to spending our time and resources fighting diminutive, petty legislators state-by-state, case-by-case. This is our chance to end all of that; this is our chance to win.

ASA needs to raise $20,000 in April to begin immediate work towards our 2013 goal. The reality is fighting offensively is more expensive than fighting defensively and our adversaries are counting on our inability to raise the money we need to win. We hope you'll prove them wrong.

Think of your contribution today not as a chartable donation but as an investment. When you
contribute you're insuring that you will be able to access the medicine you need free of persecution. Your contribution says that you're done living in fear, done just barely pushing back and ready to finish this fight once and for all.

ASA, in partnership with our lobbyists in DC and some of the sharpest legal minds in the country has developed an extensive roadmap to a 2013 victory. Our opposition knows that we're well within the sight of meeting this goal and they have become more strategic and better funded than ever, we must do the same. ASA has created an air-tight strategy; we need you to create the funding.

Over the next four weeks, we'll be unveiling our strategy to win. Each Thursday, for the month of April, you'll receive an e-mail update from us letting you know how close we are to our goal and giving you more information about our strategy and a detailed outline of our work plan. There will be ways to plug-in to the work and we'll look to you for help implementing the plan but today, today we need to raise that $20,000 and we need your contribution to get there. Because as soon as we reach $20,000-we'll begin this necessary and important work and get us one step closer to a 2013 victory.
Help us begin that work today!

More than ever, thank you for your support,

Steph Sherer
Executive Director

We're inviting members who contribute today to a special conference call with me, Steph Sherer. I'll outline our strategy to win in 2013 and your questions on the call. 

Americans for Safe Access

Please support ASA!

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Sting Says End the Drug War

Our friends at the Drug Policy Alliance have persuaded A-list rockstar Sting to join the drug policy reform movement. I'm not exactly gonna leap out of my seat every time a celebrity says the drug war sucks, but Sting is a big name and it was fun getting a mass email from him today telling me lots of things I agree with.

Hopefully we'll be seeing some more press on this, or better yet a wave of rockstars joining the cause and rocking out for justice. And can we please do one of those PSA-type ads where like 8 famous people take turns looking concerned and saying why some issue is important, except this time the issue is legalizing marijuana in California and the famous people are all super famous and not just cast members from various shows on whatever network you're watching?

If we can get Bono and Bill Clinton, we'll win with leaflets left over.

Medical Marijuana on South Park Tonight

Oh no, something tells me this is going to boil my blood. Or maybe not. From one episode to the next, South Park either speaks directly to my soul, or makes me wanna puke.

In any case, I'll be tuning in tonight to see where they're going with this:

Feel free to come back and discuss the episode in comments.