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too much cash can corrupt cops
too much cash can corrupt cops

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Why do I feel like I just keep writing the same stories of law enforcement venality over and over again? More crooked jail guards, more sticky-fingered cops, more cops on the take, and another pervert power-tripper cop.
Israel Medical Marijuana banner (
Israel Medical Marijuana banner (

Israel Eases Medical Marijuana Bottleneck

The numbe of Israeli medical marijuana patients is set to expand dramatically after the Health Ministry allowed the number of doctors allowed to prescribe it from one to six.
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Boy Shot Dead by Drug War Troops

Soldiers opened fire on a family car at a checkpoint in northern Mexico, killing a 15-year-old boy and another person. It is at least the second time this year that a family has been caught up in a shooting involving Mexico's military, which has come under intense criticism for human rights abuses as soldiers fight drug traffickers.

The Right to Survive Overdoses

Our friends at the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, in honor of Overdose Awareness Day (August 31), have produced a new video, "Take Home Naloxone -- The Right to Survive Overdoses." There are many legal, political and attitudinal barriers that currently stand in the way of getting this life-saving medication to the people who need it, when they need it, and numerous lives have been needlessly lost as a result.

poster of assassinated human rights advocate Ricardo Murillo
poster of assassinated human rights advocate Ricardo Murillo

US Withholds Some Mexico Drug Aid Over Human Rights Concerns

To gently chide Mexico for continuing human rights violations by its military, the US will withold $26 million that Mexico won't see until next year anyway. To make up for that, the US is releasing $36 million it withheld last year.
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In The Trenches

Victory Stolen - Help Us Get It Back! (Action Alert)

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Last week, in response to a successful SAFER referendum, University of Arkansas administrators adopted and released new guidelines that equalized school penalties for student alcohol and marijuana use.  This week, Chancellor Dave Gearhart repealed them.

Last spring, the UA chapters of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) and Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) carried out the SAFER campaign, arguing that current penalties that are harsher for marijuana than for alcohol steer students toward drinking and away from using a less harmful substance.  After 67 percent of student voters approved the referendum, a board of administrators (including the dean of students and assistant dean for student life) worked with the students to develop new guidelines reflecting the referendum.  They then released them on-line and posted them in the residence halls.  Yet, once stories about the new guide appeared in the media -- such as this great piece in the campus newspaper -- UA Chancellor Dave Gearhart put the kibosh on the change in guideliness because he and other university officials felt it sent the wrong message.

Please CLICK HEREor visit send Chancellor Gearhart a message urging him to reinstate the new guidelines or explain why he and the university would prefer to continue steering students away from using marijuana and toward using alcohol -- a FAR more harmful substance.

The University of Arkansas has an amazing opportunity to set a positive example for other colleges across the nation, so it is imperative that we hold our ground and stand up to the administration in support of these new guidelines.

Click the image below to watch a news story about this effort that appeared last evening:


SAFER Campuses Initiative • P.O. Box 40332 • Denver, CO 80218 • 303-861-0033               A Project of SAFER


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Mexico Drug War: the New Killing Fields

In the first of a three-part investigation, The Guardian's Rory Carroll reports from the gateway to America, at the center of drug cartel violence that has claimed 28,000 lives since December 2006.
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Measure 74 Aims For Easier Marijuana Access

More than 36,000 Oregonians are allowed to use marijuana for medical purposes, but they can't legally buy the drug -- they have to grow it themselves or find a caregiver to grow it for them. Backers of a measure on this November's ballot want to change that and they want to do it by following California's lead. Sponsors of Oregon's Measure 74 say it takes a more conservative approach to storefront pot sales.
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Ethics Panel Rips TV Drug Court

Arkansas' judicial officials are questioning whether Washington-Madison County Drug Court, a popular local television program, should be aired. An opinion from the Arkansas Supreme Court Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee, issued Thursday, appears to quash any thought of taking any version of the show national and questions whether it should continue to be broadcast locally. The committee members, two retired judges and a law professor, issued a scathing opinion saying they had concerns with any broadcast of drug court proceedings.
In The Trenches

We Won't Stand For Their Lies (Action Alert)


We Are the Drug Policy Alliance.

Show our opponents that their scare tactics aren't fooling anybody!

Take Action!

Sign the Petition

Dear friends,

We need to fight back.

California's marijuana initiative, Proposition 19, would be the biggest drug law reform in U.S. history. But it's being threatened by opponents who are trotting out the same old drug war misinformation and scare tactics.

Tell the opponents of Proposition 19 that we won’t stand for their lies!

Prop. 19, which would make marijuana legal for adults in California, is a game changer. The special interests that benefit from the drug war know it, and are doing everything they can to scare voters away from reforming the state's failed marijuana laws.

Here are some of the outrageous statements the other side has already made:
• "It's going to cause crime to go up. There will be more drug babies."
• "It gives inmates in our prisons and county jails the right to both possess and smoke marijuana while incarcerated."
• "Next Health Nightmare If Marijuana Legalization Takes Place? Killer Black Mold."

And unless we call them on their ridiculous claims, they’re just going to ratchet up the rhetoric as Election Day draws near. Let's show our opponents that the whole country is watching – and that their scare tactics aren’t fooling anybody!


Stephen Gutwillig
State Director, California
Drug Policy Alliance

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Mexican Women Work, Die for Gangs in Drug War City

More women are working and dying for powerful, unregulated drug traffickers in Mexico's most violent city as high unemployment along the U.S. border sucks desperate families into the lethal, prohibition-driven trade. A record 179 women have been killed by rival hitmen so far this year in Ciudad Juarez, the notorious city across from El Paso, Texas, as teenage girls and even mothers with small children sign up with the drug trafficking organizations.