Drug War Issues
Why do I feel like I just keep writing the same stories of law enforcement venality over and over again? More crooked jail guards, more sticky-fingered cops, more cops on the take, and another pervert power-tripper cop. Let's get to it:

too much cash can corrupt cops
In Riviera Beach, Florida, a Riviera Beach police officer was fired August 26 over allegations he had a relationship with violent drug dealers. Officer Nathan Gordon had been on administrative leave since July while the department's Internal Affairs Division investigates. He is now accused of providing the home addresses of fellow officers to drug gang enforcers. No word yet on any possible criminal charges.
In San Antonio, Texas, a San Antonio police officer was arrested August 31 for allegedly sexually abusing a young woman he pulled over and found had a small amount of marijuana and a pipe. Officer James McClure is charged with official oppression and is out on a $3,500 bond. McLure allegedly made the victim follow him to business center, where he strip searched her, groped her, and gave her pot back. The victim also claims McClure asked her for her phone number and called her for a date after a previous stop. He is on indefinite suspension.
In Milwaukee, a former Milwaukee police officer and state drug agent was sentenced September 2 to six months of house arrest after being caught stealing money in an FBI sting. Johnny Santiago was arrested in March after being filmed pocketing $1,100 of $17,000 found by him and other police officers during a drug investigation. He was working as a drug agent for the state Department of Justice at the time.
In Atlanta, a former Atlanta police officer pleaded guilty September 2 to federal charges after getting caught in a sting where the drug dealers he thought he was protecting were actually undercover FBI agents. Lucius Solomon III, 31, was charged in March with attempting to distribute more than five kilograms of cocaine and possessing a firearm while participating in multiple cocaine sales. In the plea bargain, the gun charge was dropped. The nine-year veteran is now out on bail awaiting sentencing.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Corrupt Cops Stories
Because you do. It's the "nature of the beast" that is this "War on Drugs." There were crooked cops back during alcohol prohibition, and there are crooked cops in other areas of law and enforcement. Unfortunately, illegal drugs provide easy and prolific opportunity for profit, all at the expense of a citizenry who should be free to introduce whatever substance they wish to their bodies.
Pick any area in which there are profits to be made - legal as well as illegal - and there you will find corruption and law breakers. Naturally, they will be on both sides of the fence - some (maybe most) of our politicians are prime examples. They are human, as are we all.
That is the impetus behind "minimal governance", and the basis of most Libertarian ideology, in my view.
Hypocrisy abounds
How much longer will we allow the demagogues control of the natural order of things?
They allow the free access to the two most dangerous drugs in the world, Nicotine and Alcohol. both have proven disastrous to so many lives through Health problems and Drunk Driving. Drunks cause havoc not only by driving, but many are violent to their friends and family when drunk.
I've seen very few stoners get violent. Stoners are far less likely to speed and cause traffic accidents.
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