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just another drug smuggling tunnel -- how many more?
just another drug smuggling tunnel -- how many more?

Mexico Drug War Update

Will Ciudad Juarez reach a death toll of 3,000 this year? It will if December is like November was.
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GOP Presidential Hopeful Johnson Wants Pot Legalized

Gary E. Johnson, a former New Mexico governor and marijuana legalization advocate, is putting out Florida feelers in a possible bid for the presidency in 2012. Johnson's reasons for wanting to legalize marijuana: It's is less harmful than alcohol and the cost of locking up pot smokers exacts too much of a toll on civil liberties and on taxpayers. "I don't drink. I don't smoke pot. But I've drank and I've smoked pot...The big difference between the two is that marijuana is a lot safer than alcohol," said Johnson, an accomplished tri-athlete who once scaled Mount Everest.
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Mexican Drug Traffickers Kills Woman Who Took Police Chief Job Men Didn't Want

Hermila Garcia, 38, who became the top law enforcement officer in the town of Meoqui only two months ago, was killed as she drove to work. Her death has left some wondering if it wasn't a warning from the drug traffickers to other women, like Marisol Valles Garcia, 20, a student who became police chief of Praxedis, in the Juarez valley, also in the state of Chihuahua, home to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico's most violent drug war city.
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Planners OK Medical Marijuana Zones in Battle Creek

The Battle Creek Planning Commission recommended changing the city's zoning rules to allow growing marijuana for medicinal use in certain commercial zones. Compassion clubs, operations that provide support services for medical marijuana patients, would be allowed in some zones and would give patients a second place to use their medicine besides their homes.

This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
In The Trenches

MPP: Limited time offer for Mission tickets

Dear friends :

We have a very special offer to extend to our most committed supporters: we have 25 tickets to the Marijuana Policy Project's Winter Ball at The Mission that are 25% off the regular ticket price. Time is running out to buy your tickets, so take action today and join us at this magical event on Saturday, December 11th! 

Last year's Mission event was extraordinary, but we're topping it with this year's The Mission: Winter Ball. We'll be celebrating the dramatic, MPP-backed passage of medical marijuana in Arizona as well as discussing plans to pass a tax and regulate initiative in California in 2012. Be sure to get your tickets today!

While the cause, the company, and the locale are enough to make this an evening to remember, we're really going all out with fabulous cuisine, exotic cocktails, and stupendous entertainment! All of this, taking place at the exquisite Hacienda Del Pinto, a 13,000 square foot Mexican-styled villa in Sonoma's Valley of the Moon.

We expect tickets to sell out quickly, so purchase yours today!

This is your chance to rub elbows with some of the most influential and popular figures in the marijuana policy reform movement while enjoying a night of food, drink, and entertainment. And just in case all that's not enough: creative attire is encouraged.

Finally, MPP wishes to thank its partners, who made this event possible: Altitude Organic Corporation, Zephyr Vaporizers, SPARC, Weed Maps, and Vapor Room.

Please, join us for The Mission: Winter Ball and prepare to experience an event that will be both memorable for you and beneficial to MPP's continually successful efforts to end marijuana prohibition.


Lindsay Robinson
Development Officer
San Francisco
[email protected] 
Sarah Lovering
Development Officer
Los Angeles
[email protected]

Mission Invitation (sized)

To contact MPP, please click here. Our mailing address is Marijuana Policy Project, 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20002. Any donations you make to MPP may be used for political purposes, such as supporting or opposing candidates for federal office.

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Senator Kohl Threatens to Hold Up DEA Nominee Over Nursing Home Drug-Dispensing Issue

Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI) continues to express his reservations about Michelle Leonhart, the nominee to lead the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. In a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Leonhart on Wednesday, Kohl said he still has concerns about the DEA's policy regarding the delivery of pain medications in nursing homes. "I will not hold her nomination in the Committee today, but I do intend to hold her nomination on the Senate floor until we have made more progress towards our goal of ensuring that nursing home residents get timely access to the prescription drug care they need," Kohl told the committee.

Legal or Not, Synthetic Marijuana is Here to Stay

Spice was destined to become a phenomenon. For decades, magazines like High Times have advertised famously fake pot products that apparently sold well enough to support a robust marketing campaign, despite being completely useless. Anyone could have predicted that a legal marijuana substitute capable of producing the familiar buzz of pot itself would be massively successful. That's exactly what happened, and regardless of the pending federal ban announced this month by the DEA, there's good reason to believe this drug is here stay.

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NM Proposing Changes in Medical Marijuana Program

Medical marijuana growers in New Mexico say proposed changes to the state's program, which include new fees imposed on producers, weren't adequately considered and would destroy small-scale licensed growers.
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In The Trenches

I Don't Want to Be a Criminal

Donate Header I don't want to be a criminal



Kathy Reynolds headshot

Dear friends:

Hello, my name is Kathy Reynolds and marijuana saved my life.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1991, I knew that I was facing a challenge, but I had no idea what I was in for. My treatment left me feeling sick, weak, and unable to eat for three months. My weight was down and my health was faltering.

I tried every medication available to me, but nothing my doctor prescribed helped — some even made things worse. With all other options exhausted, my doctor told me that marijuana might be able to help. So, I used marijuana for the first time and it saved my life.  The near-instant relief from the nausea allowed me to start eating again, regain my health, and beat my cancer.

That was nearly 20 years ago. But today I face a new battle.  I now have a painful degenerative bone disease as a result of bone marrow transplants received during my cancer treatment. I know my condition could be improved by medical marijuana, but I am left with the terrible choice of living with pain or living as a criminal.

That's why I'm asking you to please support the Marijuana Policy Project's "26 by 2012" campaign.  MPP wants to remove the federal government's prohibition on medical marijuana, which basically requires 26 states to have laws making medical marijuana legal.

To achieve this goal, MPP plans to run a number of difficult medical marijuana ballot initiatives in 2012, beginning with Arkansas right now.  Signature drives are expensive, though, costing approximately $180,000 in the case of Arkansas, and MPP can't begin the 18-month-long process until they've reached $10,000 in new monthly donations.  Please, consider making a $10 monthly donation today.

MPP's "26 by 2012" campaign needs your support.  Reaching 26 medical marijuana states by 2012 will help ensure that patients like me can have safe, legal access to the medicine our doctors recommend.

Please support MPP with a monthly donation today.  I don't want to be a criminal. I just want to live a normal life.


Kathy Reynolds signature (master)

Kathy Reynolds
Bella Vista, Arkansas

Donate Image 26by2012 Map

Donate Button See the plan (alt)

Help us meet our mission

Raised in ’10:$2,765,220
Goal in ’10: $3,400,000

MPP will be able to tackle all of the projects in our 2010 strategic plan if you help us meet this challenge.

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AP IMPACT: Cartel Arrests Did Not Curb Drug Trade

An Associated Press investigation casts doubt on whether the crackdown on the Sinaloa Drug Trafficking Organization caused any significant impact. It still ranks near the top of Mexico's drug gangs, most of those arrested were underlings who were swiftly replaced, and the leader remains free, along with his top commanders. The findings confirm what many critics of the prohibitionist drug war have said for years: The government is quick to boast about large arrests or drug seizures, but many of its most-publicized efforts result in little, if any, slowdown in the drug trade.
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The House Made of Hemp

America's first house made primarily of hemp has been built. Using a product known as Hemcrete – a mix of industrial hemp, lime and water – a team of 40 volunteers, sub-contractors and designers have recently completed construction of a hemp house located in Ashville, North Carolina. Eco-friendly design and construction company Push Design has gained the support of community members and local officials alike and now plans to build more.
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Barriers to Ex-Offender Employment Could Cost the Nation at Least $57 Billion

According to a study from the Center for Economic and Policy Research's senior economist John Schmitt, ex-offenders' barriers to employment lowers the nation's employment on average by 1.5 million to 1.7 million workers. Multiply that number by the average output that these workers would be putting into the economy, if they were employed, and the loss totals at least $57 billion, he said. This figure is growing as more of the hundreds of thousands of people put into jail during the prohibitionist war on drugs in the 1980s and 1990s are released.
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DEA Criminalization of 'Fake Marijuana' Repeats Mistakes of Past Prohibitions (Opinion)

Grant Smith, federal policy coordinator in the Drug Policy Alliance's office of national affairs in Washington, D.C., says we know from marijuana prohibition that law enforcement has no control over the drug market and the criminals who run it. By choosing to ban K2 outright, lawmakers are committing millions of taxpayer dollars to investigate, prosecute and incarcerate K2 users. He points out that we simply cannot afford to expand the war on drugs at a time when budgets are in the red and the United States incarcerates more people than any country in the world.

DVD Review: "Jack Herer is the Emperor of Hemp"

We review a memorial tribute edition of "Jack Herer is the Emperor of Hemp" that includes never seen interviews with Herer and the entire 1943 USDA film "Hemp for Victory." It is most worthy.