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Your Turn to Comment on Medical Marijuana in Colorado (Action Alert)

Do you care about how medical marijuana is distributed?  Here's your chance to comment:

On January 27 and 28 the Colorado Dept. of Revenue is considering adopting wide-ranging rules governing medical marijuana stores and producers.  The proposed rules are available HERE (in highlights).

These rules embody the most comprehensive medical marijuana distribution system in history.  While considering this system, it is crucial that Department officials hear from patients and advocates about the importance of maintaining patient privacy and closely guarding patient health records.

Sensible Colorado and allies will be sending out suggested "talking points" on privacy and other issues soon.  In the meantime, please review the proposed rules and send comments to the Department by Friday Jan. 14 at:  [email protected] or

Colorado Department of Revenue
Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division
Attn: Mia Tsuchimoto - Rulemaking Public Comments
1881 Pierce Street – Room 108
Lakewood, CO 80214

If you would like to attend the Hearing and have an accessibility issue, send an email to: [email protected]

**Start off the New Year by supporting Sensible Colorado's quest to advocate for patients and reform marijuana laws for all adults.  Click HERE to help today!


re:Form -- Art Auction and Cocktail Reception

An art auction and cocktail party is being held in Los Angeles to benefit the Drug Policy Alliance.  For more information and to register, see:,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/

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Poor Economy Forces Georgia to Rethink Drug Criminalization

The high price of enforcing criminal penalties on non-violent offenders has Georgia's new Republican governor rethinking a major linchpin in US domestic policy: the drug war. Roughly 19 percent of Georgia's prison population was incarcerated on drug offenses in 2009, according to a report by the Office on National Drug Control Policy. Nationally, nearly half of all arrests are due to laws criminalizing the cultivation, sales and use of cannabis, which has been shown to be less damaging to human health than alcohol or tobacco.
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Will Council Grandfather Medical Marijuana Grows in Denver That Violate New Zoning Code?

Today, the special issues committee of the Denver City Council will discuss an ordinance to adopt local licensing procedures for medical marijuana centers, infused product manufacturers and optional premises cultivation, a.k.a. medical marijuana grows -- many of which could be forced to close if they're not protected against new zoning rules via grandfathering.
In The Trenches

Philadelphia: City Saving Time and Money with New Pot Procedure (Press Release)


CONTACT: Chris Goldstein at 215-586-3483 or [email protected]

Philadelphia: City Saving Time and Money with New Pot Procedure

The Philadelphia District Attorney’s office is calling a new set of procedures for minor pot cases a success and plans to continue with the Small Amount of Marijuana (SAM) program.

Last year the Pennsylvania Supreme Court worked with the new DA, Seth Williams, to make a pragmatic change in how the justice system deals with marijuana possession of 30 grams or less. A new program was created that includes a diversion court appearance, an education class and fees of $200. The major difference is that there is no longer an instant criminal prosecution. The offender pleads to a non-drug related charge that is automatically expunged from their record.

PhillyNORML's Chris Goldstein spoke with Philadelphia Assistant District Attorney Joe McGettigan about the new marijuana policy. McGettigan said that the SAM program is working, "Look, certainly this was a much better option than sending all these people into the criminal court last year for misdemeanors," said McGettigan.

The DA’s office provided the following figures related to the SAM program:

June 2010 to September 2010

1636 marijuana possession cases less than 30g TOTAL

 339 bench warrants issued for failure to appear             

1297 marijuana possession cases less than 30g are heard

1025 enter the Small Amount of Marijuana diversion program ( 79% )

81 went to trial

187 statuses continued

4 cases withdrawn

The procedural shift has eased penalties and a particularly harsh process for offenders. For the last two decades anyone in Philadelphia who was caught with a single joint on up to 30 grams was held for bail then prosecuted in a criminal court. This involves a tremendous amount of the justice system’s resources and the expensive procedure was almost unique in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

There are over 4,500 such cases in Philly every year (the largest concentration of pot arrests in PA) so minor marijuana offenses were literally clogging holding cells, bail officer, printing machines, court reporters, clerks, judges and courtrooms. The real world cost savings for the city this year by eliminating those expenses could tally into the millions.The shift also made a significant, tactile change; residents who consume marijuana and run afoul of prohibition laws have a less traumatic experience.

PhillyNORML's Chris Goldstein said, "This was a positive shift for the city. Still minor marijuana possession arrests are increasing and continue a disturbing trend of being extremely racially disparate."

An average of about 325 black men, 50 black women, 95 white men and 8 white women will be arrested every month this year in Philadelphia.

 Link to more information on arrests 


Idiot Blames Marijuana for the Tucson Shootings

As the nation mourned this weekend's tragedy in Arizona, David Frum took the opportunity to pen an early contender for dumbest blog post of the year with this shameful suggestion that the killer's actions may have resulted from marijuana use.

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In The Trenches

A Personal Plea from Sensible Colorado


Dear Friends,

As we begin 2011, I wanted to ask you to join me in becoming a monthly donor to Sensible Colorado.  I, like many people across Colorado and the nation, have a monthly contribution deducted from my credit card-- even $5, $10, or $50 a month makes a huge impact.  This allows me to benefit from a tax deduction and, more importantly, to support one of the strongest and most effective advocacy groups in the country.

I often receive calls from media members and friends who are astounded by the progress Colorado has made in terms of marijuana and medical marijuana reform.  They are amazed that our state licensing board safely regulates over 1200 medical marijuana businesses, or the fact that over 2% of our state population (over 116K people!) now hold medical marijuana cards protecting them from criminal prosecution.

Let me assure you this amazing progress would not have been accomplished without the work of Sensible Colorado.  Since 2004, Sensible has served as the primary resource for the state's medical marijuana patients-- fighting in the courtroom, the state house, and the streets.  In that time, Sensible has achieved unparalleled success in fostering patent's rights and protecting safe access to medicine.  We've also run successful campaigns to rewrite local marijuana laws for adults in Breckenridge and beyond, and our work has been highlighted in virtually every mainstream media outlet in America, including last month in Time Magazine!  In addition to our medical marijuana advocacy, over the next two years we are gearing up for our biggest challenge yet-- putting a measure on the Colorado ballot to regulate and tax marijuana for adults over 21 statewide.  We've already begun putting a stellar team together to push-- AND WIN-- this fight and forever end the disastrous policy of marijuana prohibition.

Please lend a hand in this crucial fight by donating, forwarding this email, and volunteering today.

In solidarity,

Brian Vicente

Executive Director

Sensible Colorado

In The Trenches

Tell Obama to End Federal Interference with State Medical Marijuana Laws (Action Alert)


Patients, Activists, and Concerned Citizens

The Federal Government has shown increased activity in medical marijuana communities across the country by raiding cultivators and dispensaries, subpoenaing patient medical records, and jeopardizing patient rights.  These actions are inconsistent with the spirit of Attorney General Holder's memo suggesting patients and other community members in compliance with state laws are safe from federal interference.  When will it end?

Tell the DEA to Step Away!  Call the White House today by calling 202-456-1414 and tell President Obama to end the hypocrisy by ending federal raids and interference today!


Violations of state and local laws are not in the purview of the federal government. The DEA and Federal Government need to let the state and local governments do their job!  Medical marijuana states are capable and equipped to enforce medical marijuana laws and address any violations.  The recent increase in federal raids and interference is not only aggressive and harmful towards our community; it also detracts from the state's ability to implement state law.  Please, tell the DEA to GO AWAY!

Thank you.

Please share your experience with us by posting to the  ASA Online Discussion Forums.

We look forward to hearing your response!


Americans for Safe Access

Americans for Safe Access

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Meth: Tracking Laws Backfire, Create a New Illegal Market

Electronic systems that track sales of the cold medicine used to make methamphetamine have failed to curb the drug trade and instead created a vast, highly lucrative market for profiteers to buy over-the-counter pills and sell them to meth producers at a huge markup. An Associated Press review of federal data shows that the lure of such easy money has drawn thousands of new people into the methamphetamine underworld over the last few years.
In The Trenches

Top 10 Marijuana Victories in 2010

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Dear Friends:

I recently put together a list of the Top 10 Marijuana Victories in 2010.  I wanted to take a moment to share that list with you, because through the support of our members, MPP played a significant role in half of the items on the list and provided ancillary support for another four items.  This means that 90% of the major marijuana victories in 2010 were supported by MPP's members.  As you look over the list, please consider joining MPP and donating today so that a year from now we can reflect back on even larger successes!

Top 10 Marijuana Victories in 2010 (in no particular order)


2010 started with a bang when New Jersey's outgoing Democratic governor signed a bill that made New Jersey the 14th state to legalize medical marijuana. (Unfortunately, the new Republican governor has conspired with his state health department to delay and subvert the new law from taking effect and -- now one year later -- patients still do not have legal access to medical marijuana.)


Voters in our nation's capital passed a medical marijuana initiative with 69% of the vote in November 1998. After Congress blocked that law from taking effect 11 years in a row, Congress finally removed the federal ban in the fall of 2009, and in 2010 the D.C. City Council passed legislation to implement the local law. While the D.C. law is more restrictive than we'd like, five medical marijuana dispensaries will be opening up within a short cab ride of Capitol Hill by the middle of 2011.


By a mere 50.13% to 49.87% margin, Arizona voters passed MPP's medical marijuana initiative in November, making Arizona the 15th state to legalize medical marijuana. As a result, approximately 125 dispensaries will open up around the state by mid-2011. This campaign was successful despite severely limited resources, with MPP spending only $0.10 for each Arizona resident.


While Prop. 19 failed at the polls on Election Day, this ballot initiative still represents significant progress for our movement. First, the initiative received the highest level of support (46.54%) of any of the eight legalization initiatives ever to be placed on a statewide ballot. Second, the initiative received support from mainstream political institutions, such as the California affiliates of the NAACP and SEIU, the Latino Voters League, the National Latino Officers Association, and the National Black Police Association. Third, the initiative generated gobs of in-state and national news coverage, making marijuana legalization a respectable topic of political debate. Fourth, the campaign inspired the local governments and voters of three cities to pass laws that will automatically tax marijuana sales once they are legal under state law.


For the first time in memory, three gubernatorial candidates who are well known to be supportive of decriminalizing marijuana and legalizing medical marijuana were elected on the same day -- Neil Abercrombie (D-HI), Dan Malloy (D-CT), and Peter Shumlin (D-VT). As a result, all three states are likely to pass favorable legislation in 2011.


While state governments sometimes tweak their existing medical marijuana laws, Colorado's government did much more than that in 2010 when it passed a new law for issuing approximately 2,000 licenses to medical marijuana retailers, growers, and kitchens; as a result, medical marijuana businesses are now scattered around the state like pharmacies. Also, Maine's health department issued regulations to establish eight medical marijuana dispensaries, building on the MPP-authored ballot initiative that Mainers passed with nearly 59% of the vote in November 2009. And, to close out 2010, New Mexico's health department increased the number of dispensaries in the state to 25.


In Massachusetts, voters in nine legislative districts passed initiatives recommending that medical marijuana be legalized on the state level; in another nine legislative districts, Massachusetts voters recommended that marijuana be legalized entirely. In Wisconsin, voters in two local jurisdictions urged their state legislature to legalize medical marijuana. In California, voters in two cities blocked dispensaries from being banned. And in Colorado, voters in 8 cities and counties voted to allow dispensaries (this overt support is significant, even though voters in another 34 Colorado municipalities decided to ban dispensaries).


For the first time since 1978, a federal agency recognized marijuana's therapeutic value when the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs issued a new policy in 2010, stating that veterans who use medical marijuana legally under state law would no longer be denied other prescription medications or treatments.


In the "Anaheim" case, a California appellate court found that federal law doesn't prevent cities and counties from licensing medical marijuana dispensaries. And in a separate case, a California superior court blocked an L.A. City Council ordinance that would have wiped out most dispensaries in the second largest city in the U.S. (Neither case has reached its final conclusion yet, however.)


In 1975, California decriminalized marijuana, meaning that people who were apprehended with up to an ounce of marijuana could not face jail time. In 2010, the California government improved this law by changing marijuana possession from a criminal misdemeanor to a civil infraction, meaning that -- in addition to not facing jail time -- small-time marijuana offenders will no longer have to appear before a judge, pay court costs or hire a lawyer, or get stuck with a criminal record.

Thank you for helping to make 2010 such a phenomenal success.  We hope you can all join us in making 2011 another year of which we can be proud.


Rob Kampia signature (master)

Rob Kampia thumbnail (master)Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.

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Sixth Medical Marijuana Dispensary Opens in Vancouver

The new dispensary is the first in south Vancouver. Jacob Hunter, director of Imedikate Medical Cannabis Dispensary, said the shops operate "on the edge of the legislative law" because Health Canada refuses to issue a dispensary license, but the country's judiciary has ruled people have a right to medical marijuana.
In The Trenches

Drug Truth Network 01/10/11

Cultural Baggage * Century of Lies * 4:20 Drug War NEWS  *  Time 4 Hemp

Cultural Baggage for  01/09/11 29:00  Froma Harrop, nationally syndicated columnist


TRANSCRIPT:  Monday Late

Century of Lies for  01/09/11  29:00 Russ Jones, w/40 years experience in law enforcement speaks to Rotary Club on behalf of Drug Policy Forum of Texas and Law Enforcement Against Prohibition



4:20 Drug War NEWS, 01/10 to 01/16/11  Link at on the right margin -

Sun - Froma Harrop, 3/3

Sat - Russ Jones of LEAP 3/3

Fri - Froma Harrop, nationally syndicated journalist 2/3 Thu - Russ Jones speaks to San Antonio Rotary club 2/3 Wed - Froma Harrop, syndicated columnist 1/3 Tue - Russ Jones speaks to San Antonio Rotary club 1/3 Mon - Mary Jane Borden of Drug War Facts: "What is NAOMI?"

Programs produced at Pacifica Radio Station KPFT in Houston, 90.1 FM.  You can Listen Live Online at

-  Cultural Baggage Sun, 7:30 PM ET, 6:30 PM CT, 5:30 PM MT, 4:30 PM PT

-  Century of Lies, SUN, 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM MT & 5 PM PT

-  Time 4 Hemp, NEW TIME: Fri 12:45 M ET, 11:45 AM CT, 10:45 AM MT, 9:45 AM PT at

Who's Next?":  Robert Platshorn, author "Black Tuna Diaries"

Hundreds of our programs are available online at, and now at James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University.

We have potcasts, searchability, CMS, XML, sorts by guest name and by organization. We provide the "unvarnished truth about the drug war" to scores of broadcast affiliates.  You can tune into both our 1/2 hour programs, live, at 6:30 central time on Pacifica's KPFT at  and call in your questions and concerns toll free at 1-877-9-420 420. 

The two, 29:00 shows appear along with the seven, daily, 3:00  "4:20 Drug War NEWS" reports each Monday morning at .  We currently have 95 affiliated, yet independent broadcast stations.  With a simple email request to [email protected] , your station can join the Drug Truth Network, free of charge.

Check out our latest videos via  Please become part of the solution, visit our website: for links to the best of reform.  "Prohibition is evil." - Reverend Dean Becker, DTN Producer, 713-462-7981


Drug Wars and Drug Laws: Addiction Treatment Through the Lens of Politics, Race and Culture

Featured speakers:

Cheryl Grills, PhD, Loyola Marymount University, President of the Association of Black Psychologists

Ethan Nadelmann, JD, MA, PhD, Executive Director and Founder of Drug Policy Alliance

Race, class and culture are integral aspects of any clinical treatment; they particularly impact the treatment of addictive disorders.  Just recently we have seen the repeal of the Rockefeller Drug Laws, the implementation of Mental Health Parity and National Health Reform.  The country is in economic crisis, and we are in the midst of political sea change.

We will examine how these issues impact drug users and problematic drug use, and how they enter into the clinical situation, especially as expressed in transference and counter-transference experience. The conference is designed to help clinicians better address issues of race, culture and politics in their work with substance users.

For more information, and to register, please visit

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Acapulco Closes the Weekend with 27 People Killed in Less Than a Day Due to Drug Prohibition

The fabled resort of Acapulco closed its bloodiest weekend ever due to drug prohibition. In less than a day 14 headless bodies and a 15th intact victim were found on a street in front a shopping mall frequented by locals. On Saturday, six people were shot dead and all their bodies stuffed in a taxi, two police officers were also killed and four others in another part of the city.