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synthetic marijuana -- gone in some states, going in others? (image via Wikimedia)
synthetic marijuana -- gone in some states, going in others? (image via Wikimedia)

Retailers Fight Efforts to Ban "Fake Marijuana" [FEATURE]

The DEA's federal emergency ban on synthetic cannabinoids may be stalled, but bills are moving in a half-dozen states. Retailers are beginning to organize to fight back.
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Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne Recommends State Tax on Medical Marijuana

Attorney General Tom Horne announced a plan for Arizona to tax medical marijuana. Horne added that the Department of Revenue informed his office that they plan to take the advice and tax the sales. The taxes could yield revenues for the state in the approximate amount of $40 million per year, according to a report.
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Iowa Lawmaker Says He Lied to Get a Medical Marijuana Recommendation in California

A medical marijuana supporter says he'll file an ethics complaint against an Iowa lawmaker who says he obtained a medical marijuana prescription in California under false pretenses to show the flaws in such a program. The Des Moines Register says Mike Pesce told a House subcommittee that Rep. Clel Baudler, of Greenfield, should be investigated.
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International Day of Action in Defense of Coca Chewing Underway

Coca growers from the Chapare (Cochabamba) and the Yungas (La Paz) — Bolivia’s two coca-growing regions — have travelled to Bolivia’s nine departmental capitals today to publicly chew the traditional leaf and to support the Bolivian government campaign to end the UN prohibition on coca chewing.
In The Trenches

Just Say Now: Obama and Marijuana (Action Alert)


Marijuana reform is dominating the list of questions President Obama will be answering as part of his continued State of the Union address tomorrow night. Pot is already in the top questions - can you make sure the top questions for Obama are about marijuana?

This is an incredible opportunity to hear Obama's views on drug policy. Our friends at Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) have a great question at the top of the list, and we're asking supporters to help keep it there for Obama to see.

Click here to visit the Ask Obama YouTube page. Then search for "POLICE OFFICER" on the right, and click the thumbs up button of the marijuana question to cast your vote.

Retired Deputy Sheriff and LEAP speaker MacKenzie Allen asks:

"As a police officer, I saw how waging the war on drugs has cost a trillion dollars and thousands of lives but does nothing to reduce drug use. Should we discuss legalizing marijuana and other drugs, which would eliminate the violent criminal market?"

It's an important question that we think Obama should answer. Can you help us make sure he does by giving LEAP's question a 'thumbs up'?

The deadline for voting is tonight at midnight! Click here to search for "POLICE OFFICER" and give LEAP's question a thumbs up so we can all hear what President Obama has to say about marijuana reform.

President Obama will begin answering questions from his YouTube page tomorrow, January, 26th, so time is running out. We want to hear what Obama has to say about the war on drugs, and this is the perfect forum for him to do so.

Thank you so much for your continued support.

Brian Sonenstein

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1st Annual Cannabis Convention at UBC

The International Hempology 101 Society announces the 1st Annual Cannabis Convention at UBC.

Hosted by the brand new University of British Columbia Hempology 101 Club and the Social Justice Center, this premier event features several prominent anti-prohibitionists from the US and Canada.

This gathering will give students, activists, medical patients and interested members of the public a chance to interact while learning about some of the latest developments in cannabis law, science and archaeology. Admission is free and open to the public.

Author Chris Bennett will begin the convention with comments on his latest publication, Cannabis and the Soma Solution.

He will be followed by Joanna McKee, a veteran Washington State activist who will provide an overview of the changes she has seen since that state passed medical cannabis laws in 1996.

Dr. Paul Hornby will follow with a discussion of his research on cannabinoids, extractions, fertilizers and genetics.

Also coming from the Seattle area is lawyer Jim Doherty from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, who will attack the ideals of the War On Drugs from the perspective of someone who has seen the futility of its practice.

Finally, local lawyer John Conroy, counsel in many important drug related cases including In-Site, will wrap things up with closing arguments.

This event is modeled upon the 11 Cannabis Conventions hosted by the UVSS Hempology 101 Club at the University of Victoria. Now the largest student club on campus every year, the UVSS Hempology 101 Club also provides a free, non-credit lecture series which is available live on-line and recorded on YouTube. All live broadcasts and YouTube links can be found at

With student clubs at the University of Victoria, Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo, and now UBC, Hempology 101 plans upon spreading to more post-secondary schools in the near future.

The event will be available live on-line. For more information contact Ted Smith at [email protected].

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In Russia, a Glut of Heroin and Denial

Twenty one percent of the 375 tons of heroin produced from Afghanistan's opium fields now finds its way through central Asia into Russia, according to the United Nations. Unlike most countries around the world, Russia refuses to finance harm reduction programs such as needle exchanges, or to legalize methadone. Over the past few months, Moscow has decided to discontinue the work of foreign donors and NGOs with heroin addicts. Critics go as far as to accuse Moscow of willfully neglecting its citizens and thereby fueling what the World Health Organization says is one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world.

Seminar on Medical Marijuana Tax Issues

In an effort to get more owners of medical marijuana businesses to properly remit sales and use taxes, the city of Boulder, Colorado is hosting an informational seminar on marijuana taxes.

The seminar will focus on the city's tax rules as they pertain to medical marijuana businesses, and will include topics such as audits and tax returns.

The event requires reservations. To reserve a spot, call 303-441-4017.


Will Obama Discuss Drug Legalization on Thursday?

Well, he sure as hell didn't go there during the State of the Union, but the President will have a good opportunity to comment on the drug war this Thursday when he takes questions from the public in a live interview on YouTube. If he's classy enough to answer the question that got the most votes, then we'll soon find out what he has to say about this:

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Mexico's Business Capital Fears for Future Amid Drug Prohibition Violence

Monterrey, Mexico's business capital and third-largest city, is being pushed to the breaking point by a drug prohibition war that has left about 80 people, including 14 police officers, dead this year alone and pushed authorities to the limit. The city, home to more than 50,000 corporations, including some of the largest multinational businesses in Mexico, fears for its future if the prohibition-caused violence is not stopped. "This is a very difficult time, perhaps the most difficult in the recent history of Nuevo Leon" state, Gov. Rodrigo Medina said.
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Massachusetts Governor Patrick Proposes Sentencing, Parole Reforms for Drug Offenders

Mandatory minimum sentences for drug crimes that don’t involve guns or children would be repealed, giving more discretion to judges, and certain drug offenders serving mandatory minimums in state prison would be eligible for parole after serving half their maximum sentence, under legislation Gov. Deval Patrick plans to file with his budget.
Raymond Martin -- a sheriff heads for the Big House
Raymond Martin -- a sheriff heads for the Big House

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

An Illinois sheriff goes down hard, a Massachusetts police chief parties too hard, a Massachusetts cop gets nailed for helping out his local pot dealer, and a Florida motorcycle cop gets caught stealing a bud in his helmet.
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The Drug War, Minorities and the Rust Belt

The Rust Belt is no stranger to America’s drug prohibition war. In her recent book, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness," former Stanford Law professor, civil rights lawyer, and current Ohio State University faculty member, Michelle Alexander convincingly paints the war on drugs as far more than just a failed multi-decade policy that has resulted in America becoming the prison capital of the world. She positions the drug war as part of a racial caste system that has imprisoned over a million African American men and disenfranchised even more.