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Colorado Governor Signs Marijuana Bills

Colorado has taken another giant step toward establishing a legal, regulated marijuana market for adults as Gov. John Hickenlooper signed into law a package of bills designed to implement the will of the voters.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_83.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_83.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

From the US Supreme Court to the local city council chambers, medical marijuana continues to be a contentious issue. Here's the latest.
Joint Interagency Task Force South headquarters, Key West, Florida (
Joint Interagency Task Force South headquarters, Key West, Florida (

Spending Cuts Hurting Cocaine Interdiction, Admiral Says

Sequestration is hobbling the military's ability to catch cocaine-smugglers headed for the US, the commander of the Joint Interagency Task Force complained Wednesday.
Orrin Hatch, old-time drug warrior
Orrin Hatch, old-time drug warrior

Hatch Adds Marijuana Grow Amendment to Immigration Bill

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) has added an amendment to the immigration reform bill that would create enhanced penalties for marijuana grows on federal public lands -- no matter what your citizenship status.
hemp field at sunrise (
hemp field at sunrise (

Hemp Legalization Amendment Introduced for Farm Bill

An amendment to allow industrial hemp planting has been added to the omnibus farm bill. Both Oregon senators and both Kentucky senators support it, and so does Vermont Sen. Pat Leahy.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

New York City seems indifferent to the costs imposed on it by rogue narcs, a Florida deputy gets popped for growing weed, a US Virgin Islands environmental cop gets popped for cocaine trafficking, and a rogue California narc heads for prison.

Federal Appeals Court Panel Extends Crack Sentencing Retroactivity

A panel of the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati has held that the Fair Sentencing Act's reduction in sentencing disparities between crack and powder cocaine offenses should be extended to all federal crack prisoners, regardless of when their offense took place.
Colombian President Santos (l) receives the report from OAS head Insulza in Bogota Friday (
Colombian President Santos (l) receives the report from OAS head Insulza in Bogota Friday (

OAS Releases Historic Report on Drug Policy Alternatives [FEATURE]

The Organization of American States has issued a historic report on drug policy that includes discussion of possible legalization and regulation regimes. It will be the basis for ministerial-level discussions in the region, and could pave the way for discussions at the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs.

CA Police Chase of Pot Car Ends in Fatal Crash

A high-speed police chase on I-80 in California's Sierra Nevada mountains Monday left one man dead and the highway strewn with containers and jars of marijuana.

DC Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Likely Coming

The Washington, DC, city council could take up a decriminalization bill this summer. If the council doesn't act, reformers are considering an initiative, maybe even a legalization initiative.
IRS building, Washington, DC
IRS building, Washington, DC

The IRS War on Medical Marijuana Providers [FEATURE]

The IRS's use of an obscure provision to deny standard exemptions to medical marijuana dispensaries is causing pain to patients and providiers, and inspiring some creative thinking among law professors.
The people of the North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition (
The people of the North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition (

Harm Reduction Makes Strides in North Carolina [FEATURE]

After several years of laying the groundwork, North Carolina harm reductionists have successfully shepherded one bill through the legislature already this year. Another one sailed through the House this week.