Medical marijuana news from several states today, the Baby Bou Bou SWAT raid case is before a grand jury, UMass examines its student snitch policy, DA candidates in Houston are fighting over drugs, and more. Let's get to it:

Mississippi Group Wants Legalization Initiative. A group of activists filed a petition Monday with the secretary of state's office seeking a ballot initiative to legalize marijuana. This is the first step in putting a measure before the voters. The group is called Mississippi for Cannabis. We're not sure if these are the same folks, but there is a Legalize Marijuana in Mississippi Facebook page.
Medical Marijuana
Colorado Supreme Court Hearing Patient's Wrongful Firing Lawsuit Today. The state Supreme Court is hearing arguments in the case of Brandon Coats, a quadriplegic who worked for the Dish Network until he was fired four years ago for testing positive for marijuana. Dish Network argues that even though medical marijuana is legal under state law, it is still illegal under federal law, and the firing was thus justified.
New York US Senators Ask Feds to Approve State's Request to Transport Medical Marijuana Across State Lines. US Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D) and Charles Schumer (D) Monday sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder in support of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D) request for the Justice Department to allow the state to import high-CBD cannabis oil from out of state. "As members of Congress whose constituents suffer from these illnesses, we feel that the federal government ought to do what it can to help these children," the senators wrote. "Therefore, we are requesting that you provide the state of New York with a waiver that would prohibit federal prosecution for the importation of cannabidol in the rare cases where medical marijuana is imported between two states with legalized medical marijuana, and the amount is small, finite and prescription-based."
Second Annual Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Festival This Weekend. The Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition is hosting the festival to celebrate the eighth year of the state's medical marijuana program. Click on the link for more details.
Wisconsin Activists Target Recalcitrant Legislators With Billboards. Sick and tired of seeing bills blocked in the state legislature, medical marijuana activists are targeting two key opponents, Republican state Sens. Mary Lazich and Leah Vukmir, in a newly unveiled billboard campaign. The billboards urge readers to call the two senators and ask them why Wisconsin patients have no access to medical marijuana.
Drug Policy
Harris County, Texas, (Houston) DA Race All About Drugs. A debate over the weekend between Republican incumbent Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson and Democratic challenger Kim Ogg was all about drugs. The candidates both suggested that they would allow some low-level marijuana possession offenders to avoid permanent criminal records, although Ogg would go further than Anderson. They also tussled over whether or not to press felony charges for trace amounts of cocaine or crack pipes, with Anderson taking the harder line. Click on the link for more flavor.
Prescription Opiates
Doctors' Group Issues Pain Reliever Guidelines, Says Not Appropriate for Many Cases. The American Academy of Neurology has released a new position paper, Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain, that says the risks of opioid pain relievers outweigh their benefits in treating chronic headaches, low back pain, and fibromyalgia. "Whereas there is evidence for significant short-term pain relief, there is no substantial evidence for maintenance of pain relief or improved function over long periods of time without incurring serious risk of overdose, dependence, or addiction," the group concludes. The position paper calls for increased screening, monitoring, and drug testing of opioid-using pain patients, but has little to say about actually treating chronic pain.
Law Enforcement
UMass to Review Whether to Allow Students to Act as Drug Snitches. In the wake of the heroin overdose death of a student who had been arrested by campus police on drug charges, but who was allowed to become an informant for police, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst said Monday it would review the program that allows police to recruit students as snitches. Questions have been raised about whether the program gets students appropriate treatment for drug problems and whether the students' parents are notified of violations, as they are with alcohol violations.
Georgia Grand Jury Hearing Evidence on "Baby Bou Bou" SWAT Raid. A Habersham County grand jury Monday began reviewing evidence in the case of "Baby Bou Bou," the toddler who was seriously injured when a SWAT team member on a drug raid threw a flash bang grenade into his play pen. The SWAT team found neither drugs nor the individual they were seeking. The grand jury will review the evidence surrounding the drug raid and determine if criminal charges should be filed against authorities who executed it.
Eleven Killed in Mexico Cartel Clashes in Chihuahua. Mexican prosecutors said clashes last Friday between Sinaloa and Juarez cartel members in the town of Guachochi, Chihuahua, in the Tarahumara mountain range, left 11 people dead. No Mexican security forces were involved, they said. The isolated region, home to the Tarahumara Indians, has been the scene of repeated clashes between rival drug gangs.
Canadian Drug Reformers Rally in Ottawa. Drug reformers, health lobbyists, and the Liberal Party's health critic, Hedy Fry, gathered on Parliament Hill Tuesday to advocate for more enlightened drug policies. Current policies unfairly criminalize drug users and don't effectively treat addiction, they said. Click on the link for more detail.
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SWAT rarely held accountable
It took five months for the District Attorney of Habersham County to convene a grand jury to hear the case against its SWAT team. The DA didn't respond to the embarrassing coverage of this raid gone wrong. The County has refuse the requests of the family of Bou Bou to be reimbursed for his medical expenses. I would be quite surprised if the Grand Jury comes back with any charges against the rouge cops responsible for this tragedy. The DA's doesn't appear motivated to seek justice for this family. Since the hearings are confidential, there won't be any immediate repercussions if the Grand Jury declines to indict the SWAT members. The only hope is that the voters of Habersham County speak at the ballot box.
Pain Reliever Guidelines, BABY
The US. Government controls the doctors and controls how much heroin comes into the U.S. Americans went to war for the right to use Afghanistan lands to grow as much opium as possible. The heroin sales are slowing down because people have been allowed to receive their medication from doctors, since the late 90's, before US went into Afghanistan. The new guidelines simply state that there have been so many overdoses that it's one of the leading cause of death even before car accidents.
The 100,000 or so deaths they are referring to are a conglomerate of overdoses that are not clearly stated in the report. A lot of the deaths are from poly-drug use and alcohol. Many people will now be forced to use street drugs for pain or to go with no pain med at all. The patients who do receive them will be strictly monitored by the state. Pain patients will undergo urine analysis, patient contracts, regulated pharmacies, background checks, and other prescription drug monitoring programs.
You would think that they are learning and moving forward in the field of pain. But the answer is No. 100 years ago, a person in pain could go to the store and buy heroin, cocaine, morphine or cannabis. There was little crime related to this and individuals were responsible for their own well being. The doctors now are nothing more than DEA Schills working as cops for the NWO, with Ms. Leonhart as their boss. When I need pain medicine, I will find a way to grow poppies and make tea. I would drink the tea and invite my old friends in to get better. I wonder why they completely leave alcohol out of the agenda. I am simply amazed that educated, even liberal individuals buy into this CRAP.
And as far as the baby goes....I can't even write about that. How dare those lunatics even be allowed to practice another no-knock raid again. EVER! Yeah, right. The Sheriff who was responsible said, they would do things differently the next time. There should NEVER be a next time.
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