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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Latin America: Mexico Drug War Update

    El Chapo had the personal cell phone numbers of Mexican officials charged with hunting him down? A seizure this week hints at the extent of the Sinaloa Cartel's intelligence gathering and just why Chapo Guzman always seems to be at least one step ahead of the authorities.
  • Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

    "Drug Czar Admits Failure, Pledges to Continue It," "John Walters Still Thinks the Drug War is Awesome," "The Dog-Killing Drug Raid That Pissed Off America," "Do Cops Get Drunk at Anti-Pot Conferences?," "Utah Cops Create Website for Snitching on Marijuana Gardens," "Gary Johnson Talks Marijuana Legalization on the Colbert Report," "DEA Accidentally Argues for Marijuana Legalization."
  • Appeal: 2010 is Important in Drug Policy -- And So Are You

    2010 is a critical year in the effort to end prohibition and the war on drugs. The (DRCNet) "Changing Minds, Changing Laws, Changing Lives" campaign is asking for you to pitch in -- your support is more important now than it has ever been before!
  • Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy

    "Is Medical Marijuana a Step Towards Full Legalization?," "A Small Bag of Marijuana = Police Shooting Your Dogs in Front of Your Child," "Cop Accidentally Argues for Marijuana Legalization," "'This Administration Firmly Opposes the Legalization of Marijuana'," "Weird Drama at the Drug Czar's Office."