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Drug War Chronicle #771 - February 14, 2013

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director
Anti-prohibitionists aren't the only ones targeting Congress.
Anti-prohibitionists aren't the only ones targeting Congress.

Legalization Foes Come Out Swinging Against Marijuana [FEATURE]

Opponents of marijuana legalization are organizing and fighting back, most recently with a letter to Attorney General Holder and a position statement from the drug court people. They are self-interested, but potentially dangerous.
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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_69.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

What? Nothing happened in California? It's a rare week, but the quiet in the Golden State is being made up for by action in state legislatures around the land. And more.

"Marinol v. Medical Marijuana," on, part of the family, is an in-depth web site presenting information and views from a variety of perspectives on the medical marijuana issue. The Chronicle is running a six-part series of info items from, of which this week's is the final.
public mass hanging, Iran, 2008 (
public mass hanging, Iran, 2008 (

Iran Drug Execution Frenzy Continues This Year

Iran continues to execute drug offenders at a torrid pace. Around 500 went to the gallows in 2011, hundreds more last year, and 24 more so far this year.
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Pot leaf_42.jpg

Vermont Marijuana Decriminalization Bills Filed

The Vermont legislature will take up marijuana decriminalization bills again this year. The governor supports them, and a major obstacle has been removed, so things are promising.
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Pot plants, Wheeler's Ranch_13.jpg

Marijuana Legalization Bill Coming Soon to Pennsylvania

A Pennsylvania state senator announced Monday that he will be introducing a marijuana legalization bill in the near future. Bills have already been filed in Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, and are also expected soon in Maine and Vermont.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

A major police corruption bust in the Atlanta metro area, an Alabama deputy keeps the goodies he got doing drug buys, and an Ohio officer cops to helping launder money for a marijuana ring.