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Drug War Chronicle #645 - August 19, 2010

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director
Trevon Cole, killed in his bathroom by a police officer, had just 1.8 ounces of marijuana
Trevon Cole, killed in his bathroom by a police officer, had just 1.8 ounces of marijuana

Coroner Probing Marijuana Raid Killing of Unarmed Man [FEATURE]

Just over two months ago, a Las Vegas narc killed Trevon Cole in a drug raid in his own apartment. The official story grows smellier and smellier, and the cop has shot people controversially before. But observers are still predicting the police shooter will be cleared this week.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Hey, cops: Don't give crack to hookers' boyfriends, don't rip people off and traffic dope, don't seize dope without turning it in, and don't get wasted on meth you stole and crash your cruiser. If only this week's crew had followed those simple instructions.
Santiago Papasquiaro, site of Saturday's firefight
Santiago Papasquiaro, site of Saturday's firefight

Mexico Drug War Update

The death toll in Ciudad Juarez this year is over 1,800 so far, meaning 2010 is on pace to be another record year for murder there. And that's just Juarez.
Detroit skyline
Detroit skyline

Detroit Marijuana Legalization Backers Appeal Ballot Rejection

Will Detroiters be able to vote in November on legalizing marijuana? Petitioners gathered the required number of signatures to put the question onto the ballot, but an unexpected roadblock thrown up by a city commission has sent them to the courts.