Feature: Congress Moves to End Ban on DC Needle Exchange Funding
In 1998, ideologically driven congressional Republicans barred the District of Colombia from using even its own money to fund needle exchange programs. Now, congressional Democrats are moving to end that ban.
Feature: Canadian Mom Searching for Missing Daughter Denied Entry to US Over 21-Year-Old Drug Conviction
Canadian Glendene Grant's daughter went missing in Las Vegas last year. Now, US officials won't let her entry the country to look for her because she has a two-decades old drug conviction.
Feature: Fireworks at Book Forum in Washington as "Lies, Damn Lies, and Drug War Statistics" Authors Confront ONDCP Official
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) came under withering criticism at an event hosted by the Cato Institute last Thursday -- and hit back. Here's a taste.
Feedback: Do You Read Drug War Chronicle?
Do you read Drug War Chronicle? If so, we need your feedback to evaluate our work and make the case for Drug War Chronicle to funders. We need donations too.
Book Offer: Lies, Damn Lies, and Drug War Statistics
An important new book debunks literally years of statistical legerdemain by the nation's central drug policy office -- and is DRCNet's latest premium for our members.
Weekly: Blogging @ the Speakeasy
In addition to the weekly reporting you see here in the Chronicle, DRCNet also features daily content in the way of blogging, news links, redistributed press releases and announcements from our allies and more.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
Well, thank goodness for crooked prison guards! If it wasn't for them, all we would have is blank space here this week.
Medical Marijuana: Rhode Island Governor Vetoes Bill, Override Expected
Gov. Donald Carcieri has vetoed a bill that would make Rhode Island's medical marijuana law permanent, but legislative leaders are vowing to override it -- as they did the last time.
Medical Marijuana: Connecticut Bill Passes Legislature
The Connecticut legislature has passed a medical marijuana bill. Now it's up to Gov. Jodi Rell (R) to sign it, veto it, or just get out of the way. If she does nothing, the bill becomes law.
Elected Officials: Baltimore Councilman Calls for Drug Legalization
Frustrated by endless drug war and associated crime and violence, a Baltimore city council member says it's time to talk about drug legalization.
Marijuana: Mendocino County Supervisors Say Legalize It
The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors has sent a letter to lawmakers urging the legalization of marijuana. It was a belated response to a ballot measure passed by local voters six years ago.
Racial Profiling: It's Getting Worse in Missouri
Driving While Black continues to be problematic in Missouri -- and it's getting worse.
Death Penalty: Two More Drug Offenders Sentenced in Vietnam, One Executed in Saudi Arabia
The nations of Southeast Asia and the Middle East continue to inflict the death penalty on drug offenders. This week, two Vietnamese peasants got the ultimate sanction and a Saudi got beheaded.
Latin America: Colombia Coca Production Up Again Despite Massive Eradication Efforts
The US government reported Monday that coca cultivation had increased in Colombia again last year -- despite a massive aerial herbicide spraying campaign and $700 million in US aid. The announcement comes as congressional Democrats attempt to cut anti-drug aid to Colombia.
Middle East: Don't Take Your Doobies to Dubai
Travelers beware! Having even the smallest detectable amount of hash or marijuana on you when traveling to Dubai can mean you'll be spending years in prison.
Web Scan
Canada safe injection sites study, new Sentencing Project briefing sheets on women in the criminal justice system, DrugTruth radio network update, Steve Kubby, Cannabinoid Chronicles, Playboy Mansion fundraiser
Weekly: This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
Job Opportunities: Director of Federal Policies and Web Developer, MPP, Washington
The Marijuana Policy Project is hiring a Director of Federal Policies and a Web Developer for its office in Washington, DC.
Job Opportunity: Executive Director, Project SAFE, Philadelphia
Project SAFE, a harm reduction organization promoting human rights-based public health among women working in prostitution on the street in Philadelphia, is hiring an executive director.
Announcement: DRCNet Content Syndication Feeds Now Available for YOUR Web Site!
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Announcement: DRCNet RSS Feeds Now Available
A new way for you to receive DRCNet articles -- Drug War Chronicle and more -- is now available.
Announcement: New Format for the Reformer's Calendar
Visit our new web site each day to see a running countdown to the events coming up the soonest, and more.
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