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receive a complimentary copy of Prohibition on DVD or Blu-ray! Click here to read our review of Prohibition! |
Dear Drug War Chronicle reader:
If you have been following my bulletins the last two months, and if you've been reading our in-depth online newsletter Drug War Chronicle, then you know about the setbacks that drug policy has faced recently in the way of a harder environment in Congress and an aggressive federal campaign against medical marijuana. But you also know about the increasing public support for marijuana legalization -- polls breaking 50% support for it for first time. You know that arrest and incarceration levels for drug offenses have finally leveled off, even slightly decreased. And you know that the discussion of drug policy reform and the need to end prohibition itself has been taken up by more and more respected global figures and media. As I've written lately, time is on our side.
As we approach December 31st, would you make a 2011 tax-deductible deduction donation to support our educational nonprofit, DRCNet Foundation for the coming year? If you're not doing tax-deductible donating at this time, would you instead make a non-deductible donation to our lobbying nonprofit, Drug Reform Coordination Network? Please consider making generous donations to one or both of these entities at this important time.
As I've reported in recent emails, dozens of StoptheDrugWar.org supporters have contributed to our organization in recent months to help us secure and prepare our programs for the new year. Copies of the email messages they responded to are online: our appeal for support for our blog and our online legislative center; information on what the legislative center does for our efforts; some ways that readers make important use of the Drug War Chronicle. One thing I haven't followed up before on, but will now, is what a difference these donations made in letting us invest again in our blog. We've had some big links since Scott Morgan resumed writing for us in mid-October, and more than 400,000 unique visitors have come to the Speakeasy blog during that time! Member support has made a difference in our program to get the word out about prohibition and the drug war.
To thank our donating members, we are pleased to offer complimentary copies of the recent Prohibition documentary made by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick for PBS. These three disk sets include 90 minutes of bonus footage not available on the web site or shown on TV. Donate $50 or more to StoptheDrugWar.org and you will be eligible to receive a copy from us on DVD or Blu-ray. Click here to make a donation online by credit card or PayPal. You can also donate by mail -- info below.
(If you've donated recently and are disappointed you didn't get to ask for a copy of Prohibition with your donation, please let us know -- we'll be glad to send you a copy if you've donated $50 or more in the last few months, or to combine a smaller donation you've made with a new donation for the difference to qualify you for the offer.)
Please note that even with a nonprofit, bulk discount, we are spending nearly $25 per copy to purchase these and send them to you -- if you can afford to donate more than $50, or to supplement your $50 donation with a small, continuing monthly donation, I hope you'll consider doing so. If gift items are not important to you, I hope you'll consider sending a donation that's entirely for our work.
Thank you for standing with us to stop the drug war's cruelties and meet the opportunity this time offers to make a brighter future. And don't get discouraged by the challenges our movement and the cause are currently facing: Time, and the truth, are on our side!
David Borden, Executive Director
Washington, DC
P.S. You can read Phil Smith's film review of Prohibition in Drug War Chronicle here.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Did anybody watch this when it was on TV for free?
In reply to Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......... by Anonon (not verified)
Zzz, do you support the cause
Zzz, do you support the cause or not? The video is an extra that people can get for donating, but the main reason to donate is to support the cause. As Phil's review, linked to from this appeal, makes not of, one can purchase the video for less than the cost of a $50 donation if that is all one wants. Also, the disks have 90 minutes of bonus material not shown on TV or the web.
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