Book Review: Drug Use for Grown-Ups
A leading neuropsychopharmacologist speaks his minds about drugs.
Medical Marijuana Update
An Idaho initiative campaign aimed at 2022 gears up, a court rules that Michigan probationers can use medical marijuana, and more.
SD Judge Throws Out Marijuana Legalization Init, IL Drug Defelonization Bill Coming, More... (2/10/21)
A South Dakota court throws out the voter-approved marijuana legalization amendment, Idaho medical marijuana campaigners can begin signature-gathering for 2022, and more.
CT Governor Includes Marijuana Legalization in Budget Proposal, Baltimore Announces Policing Reform, More... (2/11/21)
The appetite for busting pot smokers grows weaker in Fort Lauderdale and Milwaukee, Idaho could this year finally legalize hemp, and more.
Drug Companies Seek Big Tax Write-Offs for Opioid Settlements, VA Legal Pot Bill Advances, More... (2/12/21)
South Dakota's obstinate governor continues to get in the way of marijuana legalization, a freshman Kansas state representative files a drug decriminalization bill, and more.

Meth is making big bucks for Asian crime syndicates, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime reports. (DEA)
Biden IRS Doesn't Support Pot Shop's Tax Fight, Myanmar Opium Down But Meth Is Up, More... (2/15/21)
South Dakota's Republican attorney general won't defend the state's voter-approved marijuana legalization amendment any further, a Michigan court rules people on probation can use medical marijuana, and more.

Gov. Cuomo's plan to legalize marijuana faces an alternative in the NY legislature. (Creative Commons)
NM Legalization Bill Advances, WA Drug Decrim Bill Advances, NY Legalization Fight Continues, More... (2/16/21)
A marijuana legalization bill moves in New Mexico, a bill to expand marijuana decriminalization advances in North Dakota, a drug decriminalization bill advances in Washington, and more.
AZ "Drug Trafficking Homicide" Bill Filed, HI Marijuana Legalization, Decrim Bills Advance, More... (2/17/21)
Hawaii legislators take up marijuana reform bills, Maryland legislators take up marijuana legalization, and more.
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